Two for the price of one (part 2)

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: smoking, minor swearing


You were awake, but still had your eyes closed. You noticed that Peter was moving a lot, and you assumed that he was awake and about to get out of bed. Roman, on the other hand, was still very much asleep and you felt that he had wrapped an arm around your waist, and you were laying with your back close against him.

Peter had walked out of the bedroom and you felt Roman move, slightly moving his arm off of your waist, but still keeping it on your hip. You turned around to face him, so his hand slipped off your hip, and you looked into his big, green eyes.

"Good morning." you mumbled.

Roman gave you a little, but still sleepy, smile. "Good morning."

"We should make some breakfast." you stated, as you sat up a little. "Peter better be making those pancakes we all agreed on yesterday."

You got out of bed and out your hair in a messy ponytail. You were still wearing Roman's shirt, which was slightly too long for you, so you figured you'd just go downstairs like that. Roman had put on some sweatpants and a shirt as he followed you downstairs.

There, you were both greeted by the amazing smell of pancakes, and Peter who was standing by the kitchen door with a cigarette between his lips. "Morning!"

"Morning." Roman replied, sitting down at the kitchen table.

You walked up to the fridge to grab some juice and gave Peter a smile, "Good morning."

Peter put out his cigarette and walked up to the stove, flipping his pancake like a pro. You pour in some juice and turned to Roman, "Do you want some?"

Roman nodded and you grabbed a second glass. "Peter, you too?"

He shook his head. "No thanks, I'm already blessed with coffee."

You snorted as you filled the second glass. You then put back the juice and took the two glasses to where Roman was sitting, handing him one. The two of you were watching Peter make his second pancake, while he was eating his first.

"You know what I was wondering." he said with half his mouth full. "Is this thing gonna be like a weekly or monthly thing or something?"

You almost choked in the juice you were drinking and Roman gave Peter a look. Peter chuckled and flipped his pancake, "I'm pretty sure of, maybe two, of us would't mind."

"Jesus fucking christ, Peter." Roman sighed. "Shut up."

Peter grinned at him, "Nah I'm kidding. Or am I??"

"I don't think that chick from yesterday is gonna like that, Peter." you said to him, as you gave him a wink. "She looked pretty clingy."

Peter sighed, "True. Guess you two will have to do it without me."

You gave him a questioning look and then looked at Roman, who had slightly blushing cheeks and tried his best not to look at you.

"Am I missing something, or?" you asked confused.

"Nope." Roman stated. "Nothing at all. I'm good. We're all good."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you hiding something?"

Peter placed a pancake on your plate and on Roman's. You grabbed the syrup and drew a few swirly lines on it before you started eating it. Roman quickly started eating as well, so he didn't have to reply to you.

As soon as Peter had finished his breakfast, he put his plate in the dishwasher and walked off while saying, "I'm gonna get changed, and let you two talk."

Roman had finished his pancake before you and got up to take a smoke in the backyard. You saw him leaning against the wall and it looked like he was kind of talking to himself about something, looking a little bit annoyed.

Not sure if he would be okay with it, you opened the backyard door and got next to him. "Are you... okay?"

He blew out some smoke and handed you the cigarette. "Yeah, why?"

"You kinda look pissed off." you stated, as you took a drag. "Did Peter do something stupid again?"

Roman chuckled. "He always does. But no, he didn't."

You handed the cigarette back to him. "Did I do something?"

"No, not at all." he quickly said. "It's just.."

He paused, but didn't continue, and took another drag of his cigarette. You detected a quiet sigh. He tried again, but closed his mouth.

"You don't have to say it. If you don't want to." you smiled, as you looked at him. "I think Peter's done by now, so I'm gonna go change as well, yeah?"

"Wait." Roman then said, when you stood in front of him. "I have to tell you something, but I'm worried it'll make things awkward between us."

You chuckled a little. "I'm pretty sure that, after last night, nothing will make things awkward between us."

"Eh I'm not so sure." he said, as he bit his lower lip.

You crossed your arms in front of you chest and smirked, "Try me."

"I'm in love with you." Roman confessed. "And I didn't want to tell you today, because I didn't want you to think it's because of last night. But I also did want to tell you today, because today was the only time it felt right to tell you."

"I, eh, I don't really know what to say." you mumbled as you looked at him.

Roman cleared his throat a little bit. "What's, uh, the first thing that comes in mind?"

"That I have never heard Roman Godfrey say he's in love with someone." you grinned. "And I'm quite honored."

Roman lit another cigarette and simple smirked at you. You chuckled and grabbed the cigarette from between his lips, taking a drag and blowing out some smoke. "And that I may be in love with you too."

"May be?" He snorted. "How am I going to change that?"

"Hm, not sure." you joked. "We've pretty much already done everything."

Roman slig hid hands to your waist and pulled you closer to him, "Well, we will just have to do that again then."

He pressed his lips on yours and started kissing you. You heard the backyard door open and you couldn't care less when Peter yelled, "I fucking knew it!"

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon