I think I can fix that (part 2)

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: fluff, smoking, swearing


As Roman pressed his lips on yours, he gently pushed you with your back on your bed. You really wanted to kiss him back, but you didn't.

"Roman, what are you doing?" you quietly mumbled against his lips.

"I'm sorry." he said as he got off of you and sat on the edge off your bed. He ran is fingers through his hair and sighed. "I'm not sure what I'm doing."

You got up and sat next to him. "It's fine, you don't have to apologize for that."

"It's just." he began, but then closed his mouth and quickly looked at you. He sighed, got up from the bed and kicked against your nightstand. "Fuck!"

He grabbed a cigarette that had fallen on the floor, lit it and took a deep drag from it.

"Uh could you please not break my stuff and just tell me what the fuck is making you so fucking pissed off?" you said, reaching to the ground to pick up a fe things that had fallen off the nightstand and put them back on there.

"I can't tell you!" he said, slightly raising his voice out of anger. Something that has literally never bothered you or made you scared of him, so you rolled your eyes at him.

"And why can't you tell me, hm?"

Roman gave you another pissed off look, but then sat back down next to you on the bad again. "Because I promised Peter I wouldn't tell anyone."

"Fuck him, you know me longer than you know him." you scoffed. "Just tell me, we'll keep it between us."

Peter was this new guy that had moved into town a few months ago. He and Roman had become pretty good friends, and you had become friends with him as well. But not quite as good as Roman was though.

Roman kept quiet for a while, but you saw him doubting whether or not he was going to tell you.

"He's in love with you." he then quickly said.

"That was not what I expected." you confessed, taking the cigarette from in between Roman's lips and taking a drag.

Roman nodded, "It's true though, apparently he has been since that time you got kicked out of gym class because you didn't want to be there."

"But... he knows about, you know.." you said, pointing at him and then at yourself. "Why would he tell you that he likes me?"

"Don't know. Don't really care though." Roman shrugged. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore, I'm going home."

"No, you're not going home." you said, placing your hand around his wrist as he was about to get up from your bed. "Why are you mad at Peter?"

"Ugh drop the fucking topic, Y/N." Roman sighed, taking the cigarette that you were holding out for him.

"Tell me." you said, as you poked his side in an attempt to make this conversation little less serious.

Roman raised an eyebrow at you, put out his cigarette on the ashtray on the blanket chest that was on the end of your bed and reached beside you to grab a pillow and threw it at you. "No."

You snorted, grabbed the pillow and started smashing it against his head He grabbed the other pillow and soon the two of you were caught up in a pillow fight. You ran around in your bedroom, headed for the stairs and was about to run down got the living room, but just before you could set foot on the stairs, you felt Roman's arms around your waist and he lifted you up over his shoulder.

Within seconds, you were back in your bedroom again and you were still slamming the pillow against his back and butt. Which didn't seem to have any effect at all.

As soon as you felt the bed under your, Roman let go of you, put his pillow back on its place and lay down. You did the same and lay down next to him. You rolled on your side and looked at his profile again, he was laying on his back and facing the ceiling.

"I don't want him to date you." he then said, his eyes still on the ceiling.

"Roman, that's not going to happen." you chuckled.

He turned his head to face you. "But I know you like him. You're always happy when he's around."

"Of course I like him, he's a nice guy." you replied. "Roman, are you mad at him and jealous because you thought I like Peter?"

Roman scoffed, "No. I just don't think he's your type of guy."

"I feel like a bad friend for saying this." you said, as you rolled over a little so you were not laying on your stomach and leaned on your elbows and looked at Roman. "But he really isn't my type."

He looked back at you and you saw a smirk on his face. You knew he had been jealous, and you knew that the smirk meant that he was getting his confidence back again.

"So what is your type then, hm?" he said with a teasing tone in his voice.

You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. You felt his hands slide to your waists and he quickly broke the kiss to lay you on your back, so he could kind of get on top of you.

The second kiss you had with him was nice, because you could actually kiss him back this time. You wrapped your arms around him and played with his hair while one of his hands trailed down to your hip and firmly gripped it.

The two of you really didn't care about the 'no kissing on the lips'-rule you had. He had been on your mind for years and you had always wanted him to be yours. And now you finally knew that you were also his.

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now