Two for the price of one

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Also, brace yourselves because this is a long one x'D

Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader x Peter

Warning: smut, threesome, yes it also includes male x male (just saying), smoking, swearing, alcohol.


It was a typical Saturday night and you, Peter and Roman were stranded at this random party that a dude of your class was throwing. The three of you were apparently quite desired as guests, but you had absolutely no clue why. You understood why they thought Roman was cool, being super rich and sassy as fuck. And Peter was quite the badass as well.

But you? You were just their best friend, the girl they hang out with for years now. You did nothing cool, wasn't from an interesting family, but for some reason everyone thought you were rad. All because Peter and Roman liked you, liked hanging out with you.

"Guys! You made it!" Mathias, the guy throwing the party, cheered at the three of you. "Can I get you anything?"

Peter looked at you and you just shrugged. He smirked and turned to Mathias. "You could show us where the liquor is."

Roman snorted and threw his coat over a chair. You followed the three guys to the kitchen and Mathias handed you a cup of whatever kind of alcohol it was, and gave you a wide smile.

"Lets get fucked." Peter cheered, drinking the whole cup in one go. You and Roman followed and you decided to go mingle with the other people at the party.

"Y/N, find one of us if something's wrong, yeah?" Roman said as he searched for a cigarette. "Fuck, where the fuck are they?!"

You nodded, took one of your cigarettes out of the pack and handed it to him. "Yeah, no worries. I'll be fine."

He quickly gave you a wink as he lit the cigarette and you went off to the living room. You saw a few people from your class and kind of joined their conversations and dancing.

About an hour later, you heard some cheering and yelling from the backyard and decided to check out what was happening. As you walked outside, sipping your cup, you saw Roman and Peter in a game of beer-pong. Both looking a little bit tipsy.

They never got really drunk when you were around, because they had a silent agreement that they would keep en eye on you whenever the three of you went to a party. They didn't know that you knew though, but it was quite sweet of them.

"It's a tie!" Mathias yelled, he had wrapped a pink, glittery bandana around his head and was throwing his hands in the air.

"Shee-it." Peter grinned at Roman. "Looks like were both the best!"

Roman nodded in agreement, "Yeah man, we totally rule."

"Can't you play one more round so we get a winner?" this girl asked Peter and Roman. She was pretty much eye-fucking the both of them at the same time and it made you bust out in a laugh.

"I've had enough to drink." Peter stated, giving you a quick look. Which you pretended you didn't see.

You went back inside to play some Twister with a few people you had never even met and killed time playing lots of video games and listening to some jokes Mathias wanted to tell everyone that was standing around him.

After quite some time, you had no idea how long you had been here, you had sat yourself down on a couch and was scanning the crowd for either Peter or Roman. Being as tall as he was, Roman was the easiest to find.

"Hey, I was just looking for you." he smiled as you walked up to him. "Wanna go?"

You nodded. "Yeah, getting a little tired from being around this many people in a small space."

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now