Best friends

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader, Fem!Reader=Peter's best friend

Warnings: swearing, smoking, alcohol


Roman's POV

"Roman, you wanna come with?" Peter asked me as he, Y/N, Letha, Shelley and I walked out of the school halls.

"Uh yeah sure, who's going?" I asked. Peter wanted to hang at his place, have a couple of drinks and smokes.

Y/N smiled at me as she held up her hand. "I am!"

"Just her." Peter grinned. "Letha and Shelley are gonna do some girl stuff or something, I don't know."

Peter gave Letha a kiss and I said goodbye to her and Shelley, making sure they were okay when they left. Peter, Y/N and I walked up to my mother's car, Peter got into the passengers seat and Y/N in the back.

Peter and Y/N were talking jokes at each other and every time he made her laugh, I had to contain myself from interrupting. My hand gripped the steering wheel so hard that it began to hurt.

Peter had known Y/N since they were little and they were best friends. I, on the other hand, had only known her for about a year or two now, when she moved here and Peter introduced me to her.

She was nice, and I quite liked her as a person. But for some reason I just couldn't stand it that she was really close with Peter. It annoyed me, made me slightly angry.

I stopped the car by the trailer Peter and his mom lived in and got out. As soon as Y/N got out of the car, Peter ran up to her and started to chase her while she was laughing and running away from him.

Grabbing a cigarette, I rolled my eyes at them and lit it. Peter had caught Y/N and was now carrying her over his shoulder and walked down the stairs to the trailer. I followed them, Y/N was over Peter's shoulder and facing me.

She looked at me, waved a little and smiled. I replied with a smirk as I blew out some smoke. I handed my cigarette to her, one of my stupid attempts to make any contact with her. She took it, her fingers slightly brushing mine, and inhaled deep.

She blew out the smoke and handed the cigarette back to me with a smile. "Thanks."

"Hey, are you smoking?" Peter asked with a slight chuckle. "I thought you quit?!"

Y/N shrugged. "Nah, I can't say no when Roman offers me a cigarette now, can I?"

She gave me a quick wink before Peter put her down and opened the door to the trailer. The three of us got in and all greeted Lynda, who was preparing dinner.

Y/N walked up to Lynda and gave her a hug. She was really close with her and I always enjoyed seeing the two of them talk. Y/N's face was always brighter, or happier, when she was talking to Lynda.

The both of them quickly looked at me and then back at each other. I didn't have time to think about why they would do that, because Peter came back to the living room with three bottles of liquor and a pack of cigarettes.

"I'm off to the store." Lynda said as she and Y/N walked up to us. "Don't make a mess, okay?"

"I wouldn't dare." I chuckled, opening one of the bottles and during in half a glass for myself. I then passed it to Y/N and she poured in some for herself and Peter.

Lynda gave Peter a kiss on the cheek and me and Y/N a quick wave before she left.

"NO Peter!" Y/N yelled as she laughed. "Don't DO THAT!"

Y/N was pretty drunk and Peter thought it was funny to tickle her, because she couldn't stand that, especially when she was drunk.

I watched as he got on top of her, so she couldn't escape as he began poking and tickling her sides. I grabbed my glass, drank all of it and slammed it on the table before going to the bathroom.

I quickly listened at Lynda's bedroom door, but it sounded like she was a heavy sleeper anyways.

"For fuck's sake." I mumbled to my reflection in the mirror. "Get yourself together."

I washed my face with some water and sighed. "It's just a fucking girl. Who obviously likes Peter. Just get the fuck over it. This isn't what you are."

I got back to the living room and saw Y/N and Peter calmly sitting on the floor. Peter sipped his liquor and Y/N looked like she was about to fall asleep.

"I'm gonna go pee." Y/N mumbled with a chuckle as she got up. "And then sleep."

She walked by me, or actually stumbled, and tried to walk a straight line. Holding onto my arm, she found her balance and walked off to the bathroom. I sat down on the couch and Peter leaned his head back, looking at me.

"You like her, don't you?"

"The fuck are you talking about?" I snapped, a little angrier than I meant to.

I leaned against the back of the couch and lit another cigarette. Peter turned his whole body to me and grinned. "You really like her!"

"No, I don't." I replied, taking a drag.

Peter started chuckling. "Yes you do! And you're jealous that I'm her best friend."

I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a dirty look. "Fuck off, I'm not."

"Shee-it, you so fucking are!" Peter said, as the bathroom door opened.

"Shut the fuck up." I said to Peter, giving him a gently push which made him tip over and lay on the floor.

Y/N walked up to us and plopped down next to me. She looked like she was about to pass out and she snuggled up against me. "Roman, do you mind if I fall asleep on you?"

I carefully put my arm around her and mumbled. "No, that's fine."

"You so fucking like her." I heard Peter vaguely mumble from the floor.

I sighed, took another drag from my cigarette and blew out the smoke. "Whatever."

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now