Kids at work (kids)

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Author's note: Kids are from previous one shots, but this one can be read separate. Nadia is 7, Oliver and Isaac are 4. (I chose to keep the twins and their names the way I always write them in other 3-kids fics, that's kind of easier for people I guess xD So just so you know: all 3-kids-fics will be with Nadia, Isaac and Oliver, but feel free to ignore the names or something if you'd like)

Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: none


Roman's POV

"But daddy, why we are here?" Isaac asked me, tugging my jacket, as the four of us walked into the elevator.

Oliver grabbed my hand, because he didn't like elevators that much and Nadia pushed the button.

"Because mommy is away with friends and Uncle Peter can't watch you guys today." I replied with a smile. Oliver let go of my hand just before the elevator stopped at our floor.

I stepped out and turned to my kids, Nadia had a cheeky grin on her face and reached for a button. "Nadia, no!"

She chuckled and pushed it, making the doors close. I let out a big sigh, this was about he third time she had done this, but she had never took her brothers with her.

She usually went to the lunchroom the was on the third floor of the building, because she knew that she could score some candy from the people that worked in the kitchen there.

I ran up to my office and pushed the speaker button to talk to my assistant. "I need you to hold my appointments till later today."

"Lost Nadia again, Mr. Godfrey?" her voice said, with a slight chuckle in it.

"Maybe. Have you seen her or the twins?" I replied.

"They just ran by, Mr. Godfrey." her voice answered. "I believe they yelled something about ice cream."

"Thank you." I said. Off to the third floor I was.

I rushed to the stairs and sprinted down to the third floor. I heard some laughter in the distance and decided to follow the noise.

Just before I turned around the corner to the lunchroom, my cellphone vibrated and I saw that Y/N was calling me.

"Hey babe." I answered the phone, turning my back to the lunchroom and leaning against the wall.

"Hi love, I just wanted to check up with you." she sang to me.

"Oh, I'm doing just fine." I quickly replied. "Fine and dandy!"

Not knowing that Nadia, Oliver and Isaac had already noticed me standing here and they snuck away behind my back.

"Is Nadia there? I want to ask her something." Y/N asked.

"She uhh, I in the bathroom." I stuttered. "Want me to ask her, and I'll text you later?"

"You sure you're okay?" Y/N chuckled a little. "You sound a bit off."

"No I'm fine." I stated, a bit more dramatic than I meant to. "Let me know what you want me to ask her."

"Are the twins okay?" she asked a little bit concerned.

"They're fine." I stated. "They are uhh, drawing. On the floor. On paper on the floor, I mean."

"Okay good, well I want to know the title of that book Nadia wanted." Y/N went on. "We're off to the bookstore in a few."

"I'll ask her!" I quickly said. "But I gotta go. Love you!"

Y/N told me she loved me too and then hang up. I turned around and entered the lunchroom, walking right up to one of the kitchen workers.

"You just missed them." one of them smirked.

I rolled my eyes and thanked them, as I run back to the stairs. Where could they be...

It took me at least half an hour to quickly skim through the floors of the building, asking lots of employees if they had seen any of the kids. I knew it really wasn't of any use, because Nadia would play the innocent card and tell people that we were playing hide & seek, so no one could tell me where they went.

I knew they had to be somewhere in this giant building. Tons of floors and rooms were off limits, and I trusted Nadia to not go there.

I had almost given up and was about to call security, when it hit me. The one place I wouldn't think of searching for them.

My own office.

I sighed deeply as I went back to my floor and walked into my office. There they were, coloring some drawings on the floor, messily eating some ice cream.

"Nadia, please don't do that again." I said as I walked up to her and the twins, and sat down by them.

"I just wanted some ice cream." she pouted. "And I know Isaac and Olly love it too!"

"I know sweetie." I replied, booping her nose. "But I got worried, okay. So next time you can just ask me and I'll take you there."

She nodded and gave me a sticky ice cream kiss. "Okay, I will!"

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now