Passionate picnic

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: blood, smut, super minor swearing, public sex (ish xD)


"Babe, why are you gonna drive?" Roman asked you as you grabbed the car keys before walking to the fridge.

It was a boiling hot day and you and Roman had decided to go this place that Roman and Peter had found a few months ago. It was like a deserted lakeside, with lots of trees and bushes around it for privacy. And your own private lake to swim in!

"Because." you said, opening the freezer compartment in the fridge. "I made you this and you can eat it while we're on our way!"

You handed him a red popsicle and Roman raised an eyebrow. "You made me popsicles? Why are they mine and not ours?"

You chuckled, "Because I don't like blood."

Roman narrowed his eyes at you, following you as you walked out of the apartment and towards the car. He put the popsicle in his mouth and kinda sucked on it.

"Why have I never thought of this?" he sighed happily.

You chuckled and got in the car, Roman sitting next to you. "Pfft, I don't know. But now you do!"

Roman was as happy with his blood-popsicle as a child was with a, well, normal popsicle on a hot summer day.

Once arrived at the 'private' lake, you stopped the car and you and Roman got everything you brought with you out of the trunk. You looked for a nice spot on the grass, by some trees so you would get some shade later on the day and put down all the stuff.

Roman took off his grey t-shirt and he was ready to go, since he was already wearing some dark blue swim shorts. He crossed his arms in front of his chest as he checked you out while you took off your tank top and shorts, revealing your dark red bikini.

"Are you enjoying yourself, hm?" you joked as you walked up to him.

He wrapped his arms around you and nodded, "Yes, I'm enjoying myself a lot!"

He planted a kiss on your lips and lifted you over one shoulder, carrying you to the lake and walking in the water. He then put you down, but because you were quite shorter than he was, your body was way deeper in the water than his.

"Ah, Roman! It's so cold!" you squeaked, swimming away from him.

"Baby, come on." Roman chuckled, coming towards you and taking your hands in his. "Better too cold than too hot."

"Nah okay, it's actually quite lovely." you smiled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and neck, playing with his hair.

You felt his hands gently grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. He put his lips on yours and started kissing you. You noticed that he was still able to stand on the bottom of the lake, so you wrapped your legs around his hips and kissed him back.

"Wanna have some fun?" Roman smirked at you as he broke off the kiss.

You shrugged, "Nah I actually wanted to tan for a little bit. We can have some fun later though."

"Promise?" Roman pouted jokingly.

You pressed a long kiss on his pouting lips. "I promise!"

Roman stayed in the water as you got out, and he made you throw an air bed into his direction. You saw him struggling to get on his and when he finally got up, he threw his arms triumphant in the air and let out a victory shout.

You chuckled at the sight of him and put on some sunscreen before you lay yourself down on the huge beach towel that you had put on the grass.

About half an hour later, you noticed some shade through your closed eyelids. So you opened your eyes and saw Roman standing in front of you.

"Roman, you're blocking the sun." you stated, not bothering to get up.

"Y/N, but I AM your sun." he replied with a serious tone.

You got up a little bit, supporting your body with your elbows. "You're my boyfriend, who's terrible at cheesy lines."

Roman chuckled. "I know. But I love how you react to them."

You smirked, "Come on and lay down, okay?"

"You said it, babe." he said, as he got on top of you, with his still wet body. "Wow, you're super warm.

"Well duh, I have been baking like a potato." you replied with a chuckle, pressing a kiss on Roman's lips.

That resulted in him kissing you back and before you knew it, the two of you were making out. When Roman backed off a little bit, to move himself a little more on top of you, you got up a little and quickly took off your bikini top.

"Oh, fun!" Roman stated, scanning your upper body with his fun eyes.

"I promised you. " you replied, putting two fingers under his chin and pushing his eyes up to meet your eyes. "Now it's your turn."

Roman gave you a smirk and got up to grab one of the many blankets that you had brought and kind of wrapped it around himself as he struggled to take off his swim shorts.

When the finally managed to do that, under the sound of your laughter, he get back slightly on top of you and took off your bikini bottom. He now fully got on top of you and slid down one hand between your thighs to spread your legs.

He lined himself up with your body, made sure the blanket was covering what needed to be covered, and thrusted into you as he placed his lip on the crook of your neck, causing you to moan out of pleasure.

"I fucking love you, Y/N." he mumbled against your skin.

You chuckled quietly, "I fucking love you too, Roman."

The sensation of doing it outside, made the two of you get turned on more than usually. Roman slid one hand to your breast, playing with your nipple and the other gently tugged on your hair, while you had wrapped your arms around his shoulders, tugging his hair with both hands.

You both were breathing heavily, moaning each other's names, moved your bodies synchronized as you made love to each other.

"I want you to cum." Roman said, sliding a hand to your clit and rubbing it. "Because I am about to."

"Ah fuck." you panted, because Roman knew exactly what he had to do to make you reach your high. "Baby, you can go."

He came with a hard moan, so you kind of pulled his face towards yours and pressed your lips on his. You could feel him chuckle against your lips. He got off of you and put his swim shorts back on, whole you quickly put on your bikini bottoms and tied your top.

"That sure was some fun." Roman smirked, pulling you closer and kissing you, as he squeezed your bum.

"Sure was." you chuckled and you looked around you, noticing the picnic basket. "It's good that you always get hungry after sex, because we haven't even touched our food."

"True, I could eat a fucking whale." Roman replied, digging into the basket and pulling out some sandwiches.

He handed you one and started munching on his own. "Oh my god, these are almost as good as sex."

"Oh well, that's probably because both things involve me!" you said jokingly, flashing a smile and a wink at Roman.

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