Chapter 44: Never Forgotton

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, enjoy the chapter! I dedicated this chapter to dianapadilla00103 because shes a great reader and she gave me that extra push to write this chapter, love ya!

Wendy's POV

There was a darkness in his eyes I've never seen. It was pure evil. This was no longer Peter. This was Pan. And the smirks that would paint on his face were mere  haunting imitations of what used to be. If there was any part of himself left, it was locked away ,blindfolded, and muffled of any say.      

The hateful power that has took over him is powerful and its clear that it has also surrounded the island and claimed Peter as it's willing victim. 

Or maybe hes always been like this and its truly me who's been blind. 

  I watched as Pet- I mean Pan walked off. At that point I didn't try to hold back the tears. He had never hurt me like that, but the emotional pain that was building up in my chest was far greater than the physical. 

I remember someone pulling me up from the dirt, but my knees wouldn't lock and I kept weakly falling down. All I could hear were my silent sobs and loud heartbeat, then my vision blurred and when I opened my eyes, two strong arms where carrying me like a baby. I didn't object, I only laid my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, and my vision blurred and when I opened my eyes, I was lying on the bank of a small pond. 

I tried lifting myself off with my elbows, but could't find the strength. I was suddenly aware of my injuries now. A hard stinging pressure buzzed on my cheek. My arms burned and pulsed with an indescribable pain. My ribs ached and my head felt like it was oozing. And their were many other hollow sensitive small pressures all over.       

"No! Let me help you." A voice came. I turned my head and saw a blurred boy running towards me. The blur lifted my head and slowly I sat up, his hand softly resting on my back. My vision clear and the face of the blur became reconcilable.

"Nick?" I questioned in a weak raspy voice. He sadly smiled at me. 

"Wait." He whispered. He put an arm around my shoulders and placed his other under my legs as I was swept up. All I could do was look at me. What was he doing here on Neverland? He set me up against a bolder and began to head to the pond with a wooden bucket. 

"Nick?" I repeat. I think I heard a chuckle.

He walked back, and I didn't take my eyes off of him for a second. He knelled next to me, dipped a rag in the water, twisted it, and began to gently rub my face. All I did was study his face, like it was the first time I've ever seen the pip that used to follow me around and talk my head off. I was oddly happy to see him in a sense. Maybe seeing Nick will bring out who I was in England, tough and closed off, its seems like ever since I arrived to Neverland, I let that girl slip away.   

"Don't worry. I was just as confused to see you too." He said with a with a warm smile. 

I cleared my throat. "How so?" I wondered. He stopped and gave me one of those 'really' looks.

"How so? Really? Well for starters, the girl who just mysteriously disappeared for, I don't know how long, shows up, gets shoot and makes everyone think she's dead, then gets beat by Pan, and cries in front of everybody, when the girl I know would never do that!" He says with a hint of anger in his voice. He takes a breath I smirk at him, humored. 

"I'm glad you find that funny." He says while continuing to pat my face, a smile on his face. Suddenly a shock of pain went through my body and I winced, loosing my smirk. His smile also turned into a quick gasp. 

"Sorry." He murmured. I shook my head. 

"I'm fine, its just," I raised my hand and patted my forehead feeling a slick oily liquid between my fingertips. "my head." I looked at my fingers and sighed. Blood, what did I expect?

"You took quit a fall." He explained. "I was pissed at Pan when know, because you'd already been hurt enough, even if its just a few scraps and bruises. Whats his damn problem?" He said angered.

I put my hand on his wrist, he stopped and looked at me. "Don't say that, its not him." I said monotonously. 

"Oh really, do tell." He said jaw clenched. 

"It's the power inside him. It's hungry, just having the power to do that kind of things to people is tempting, and once you give in once you can't stop, its became an impulse."

"I don't care, he should learn to control himself then. Why are you so fast to defend anyway?" He raised an eyebrow. He was right, why was I even trying to defend him? Hes beyond saving, so whats the point?

"I guess its just because I used to know the person he used to be." I say looking down. He looked confused and then a flash of realization cover his face.

"Wait, you're that Wendy?" He asked. I nodded slowly. He set the rag down in his lap and just looked off.

"It all makes sense now. So this is where you went?" Once again I nodded. 

"But everyone said you had died." He said in a hush tone. 

"No, believe it or not, but Pan wasn't always so bad, he saved me by sending me...away. But this is my home, and that wouldn't work." I said, giving as little information as possible. 

He nodded and threw the rag in a basket with other items that I hadn't seen. He picked up a white bandage and began to patch it onto the cut on my forehead. 

"Enough about me though, why are you here?" I asked the question I had been dying to ask. 

"After you had gone, everyone thought you ran away. I felt horrible and so did Mrs. Keplen. I felt it was my fault, I just wanted a reason to talk to you, when all I did was hurt you. And then the unexpected happened and the home burned down. All the girls were devastated, and I just felt like crap. One night I heard a flute and just followed it, there's no other explanation, and next thing I knew I was here, and suddenly I felt better." He lifted my arm, I lightly winced, but I just clenched my teeth as he dressed my wound Pan had inflicted. 

"Of course I wondered about home, but then the memories slowly became less clear, and I didn't care much anymore, but you, Wendy Darling, was something I never forgot."


SO, I posted an entry to a contest I recently entered, it's called "The Peter Pan Effect", you can read if you want.

So one more thing I just wanted to add were ages of the main characters.

Pan- 17                                                                                                                                                                                           Felix- 17                                                                                                                                                                                         Wendy- 16                                                                                                                                                                                     John- 16                                                                                                                                                                                       Micheal- 14                                                                                                                                                                                   Nick- 17  

Love all of you soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for slow updates!!!!! 

loVe mE

~Not Edited~                                                                                                                

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