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This is my first time at attempting stories so I apologize for the crap you are about to let sink into your brain.

Summary: Dan decides he has had enough and he wants to kiss Phil but wants to do it at the right moment.

~fluff whadup~

Dan POV:

There he is being adorable, as per usual. Him and his stupid big blue eyes all innocent but sexy, and his jet black hair, but with ginger roots starting to show again. Of course we can't forget the fact that he can literally almost be in tears over fireflies not living more than a year. Im obviously talking about Phil Lester, aka, my biggest crush in the whole world.
Can I even classify this as a crush anymore. I mean its been like 4 years. That classifies more as love. But I can't just say Phil Lester is the love of my life. Well I could, but I won't. First I was just a fanboy who somehow got noticed. Then I was just best friends and than, stupid homosexual thoughts decide to raid my brain about Phil and his stupid body and his stupid personality and his gorgeous lips and slim, toned figure, that you can see in his tight shirts and- oh my god what is his head doing, oh my Christ on a boat he just kissed my forehead and rested his head on mine!! OH MY GOD!!

Let me explain Phil and I are watching Howell's Moving Castle and
We originally had two blankets out for each of us to use but we have ended up using the same one. And even as the taller one I am seemingly in little spoon, except we arent really cuddling. We aren't. I'm just tucked up next to him with my head resting on his shoulder as he has his arm wrapped around me holding me close, and my legs just happen to be tucked up and kind of on top of him. But it's all platonic. As always.

I sighed softly, as always.

Phil lifted his head up and looked down at me.
Our eyes locked. Well, his sort of, pardon my cliché, captivated mine and were holding me in a trance.

I could kiss him. I thought.
He is right there, two inches in front of me. I could do it just to get it over with.

We are still making eye contact and he seemed a little closer or maybe it's just me hoping he was.

Do it. I can do it. Just lean in and peck him and then book it to the room. I can do this. I-
Can't do this

I cleared my throat and looked back at the the tv, and detaching myself from his side a bit more.

Maybe I can kiss him another time...

---- skip idi do da skip adi day -----

Well I have had plenty of other times.
On many occasions in fact. Me having the perfect opportunity to kiss him but then psyching myself out of it.

Like the time I tripped and accidentally pushed Phil down with me. Causing me to land on top of

Basically Phil had yelled my name really excitedly:
"WHAT?" I questioned from my comfortable bed and my lovely anon tumblr account on my beloved laptop.
"Whyyy?" I whined not really wanting to move.
"Please Danny? Pleeeaaassse?" tell me, how in this name of all things holy am I supposed to resist that?
"Pwease" oh my god Phil stawp being cute.
"I'm coming I'm coming."
He then persisted I hurry so I sped walked because there is now way I'm running, only for him to have moved a houseplant and I trip on it and I just happened to fall forward, towards Phil and him being even more clumsy, falls down as well but I land on top of him in a very....uhm.... awkward position.
Oh how many times I have dreamed of being in this position but with me making out with him until I run out of air and I wouldn't have a shirt....or pants....maybe on the bed or couch ..
God I wanna kiss him so bad!
And I went through all of this
Just for him to show me a video of a Pomeranian sneezing!
I got up and power walked away.

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