Would You Rather...

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I'm just rolling with it
3:17 AM, May 11 of 2018
The moon is streaming in through the window of Phil's bedroom window and it dances on half of Dan's face; giving him the transcendental aura that he sometimes has. His hair is highlighted with the light, giving the outrageous curls a godly glow and Phil can barely look away from his eyes. Oh his eyes in the moonlight is Phil's favorite color. His burnt almond eyes seem to glow and the gold swirling in his eyes shine brighter than ever.

They are leaning against Phil's headboard exhastion showing in their eyes but neither wanting to fall asleep yet. Dan had had a long week and Phil had promised him an awesome Friday night; popcorn, movies, singing, joking et cetera. Dan was relunctant at first, "Phil...I have homework and a test to study for and..."
Phil had not meant to stop listening but he did. Dan looked so cute standing there, pouting, in his sweatpants and old T-shirt, mumbling on about all the stuff he is stressing about. His hair has been getting long and it is curling into his eyes and Phil's fingers twitched with the desire to brush it away.
"That is exactly why you are coming over Friday. I already bought your favorite ice cream."
So Dan had caved and now he doesn't want to go to sleep and break the spell of forgetting the stress of school. Phil wants to stay awake simply to be with Dan.
This crush of his is spinning out of control.

"Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC or heating?"
"Oh god. I don't know...uhh...uhhh..."
"Gotta pick one."
"I got it. I will move to a place where the weather is consistant and warm but not hot and not cold and keep the internet."
"Where might a place like that be?"
"Up your ass you dick. Now shut up it's my turn.
Would you rather.....ooo! Would you rather control Fire or water?"
"Water. Simple."
"Why? Fire's awesome."
"Fire and water are versing each other, the water wins everytime. Duh. Plus I would never be thirsty I could just control some up to me."
"You're an idiot."
"I know. Would you rather, relive the same day for 365 days or lose a year of your life?"
"Lose a year of my life. Would you rather sell all of your valuable possesions or one of your organs."
"I'll sell two of my organs."
"Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?"
"Talk to animals, I'll be having forest parties in my room everyday."
"Okay Cinderella."
"UGH, ShUsH. Would you rather be able to have amazingly fast typing or texting skills or be able to read ridiculously fast?"
"Read fast."
"I knew you'd pick that you nerd."
"Oh haha. Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse merman?"
"How does a reverse centaur even fucking work?" Dan said laughing hystarically.
"SHH! Don't wake up my mooooooooom." Phil tried, also giggling, "And obviously you have your legs and then the head and shoulders of a horse."
"Obviously....I have to go with the centaur then. I'm not a fish person. Would you rather be forced to dance to every song or sing to every song?"
"Everyone should be graced with my beautiful singing."
Dan snorts and leans his head on Phil's shoulder laughing.
"Hey." Phil tries to sound offended or annoyed but his heart is beating faster and his throat feels dry.
"WoU-ld, ahem sorry. Would you rather have skin that changes based on your emotions or tattoos appear on all over your body depicting what you did yesterday."
"Skin color emotions! Oh god can you imagine the tattoos?! Imagine waking up and right there on your forehead it shows you masterbating or or singing Hannah Montana."
It's Phil's turn to laugh. "Those are two completely opposite things."
"Yeah well both would be embarressing."
"Are you trying to say that you masterbate and sing Hannah Montana often?"

Dan's face flushes and buries his head more into Phil's neck than the shoulder in embarressment. Phil's heart feels like it is going to burst right out of his chest, his cheeks feel hot, actually, he feels hot. Was it hot in his room before? Is he sweating?

"Noo! That's not what I meant and you know it!"

Phil can't think. His mind is all over the place, tingling with the feeling of Dan's breath and hair on his neck. He can hardly even breathe he is so overly happy at just the simplest of things; So he settles for. "I know."
It was breathy and just above a whisper and Phil curses himself.

"Well, Would you rather have every thing on your browser history, photos, open apps, et cetera, show up whenever someone googled your first name or never use a cell phone again?"

"Who needs cell phones." He should of just lied and said he doesn't have anything he doesn't mind others seeing in his browser history but just the thought of Dan being able to google 'Phil' and he could see all the stupid things I've searched makes his stomache knot together and sideways.

"Oh now who's trying to say that they have something they do often huh?" Dan teases sitting back up and elbowing him.

"No no it's nothing like that I uh just...People don't need to be in my buisness that's all."
He manages out but all Phil can think of is his recent searches: "How to get a cute boy to notice you?", "How to get a cute boy to notice you if you are a boy?",
"Why is my bestfriend so adorable?", "Why is my best friend so hot oh my god.". He also has the 'Dan Howell instagram' page up and his camera roll constists of pictures of turtles (approximately 6), his family (Maybe 15), and Dan (294 pictures ranging from his baby pics to now).

"Mhm okay." He smirks at him and busts out laughing again, his head going back to his shoulder to support his giggle racked body.

"Would you rather I kiss you or don't?"
Phil's eyes widen and both he and Dan stop breathing.
"I I mean uhm Would you rather I KILL you or don't. Damn auto correct." He laughs nervously and he feels himself start to sweat again as Dan sits up to look at him again.
"This is a verbal conversation Phil.
"I am a robot."
Phil can't look at him all the way, he knows if he looks now, Dan's whole face will be shining in the moonlight and his eyes will be magically beautiful.

The silence feels like it is strangling Phil and he wants to just jump out his window and get it over with. Why does he have no filter?
Somehow he finds himself looking at Dan, he thought they had been in that silence for minutes, hours, but the clock behind Dan tells him that it has only been mere seconds from speaking his last sentence. And as he looks at Dan he sees that he was correct in his assumptions. Dan's face is glowing and with the dull light and his curly hair the contours of his face adds to his beauty. Phil stares at his freckles longer than he should and then notices some of his hair is over his eye.

Phil, again without functioning it, reaches out and gently brushes it away, his fingers feathering the smooth skin of his forehead as he does so. Dan blushes and again Phil looks down at his freckles, mesmerised by the way they appear under it. His eyes flicker back to the clock, barely a minute has passed since his last sentence, and then back to Dan only to land on his lips instead of his eyes. Dan's biting his lip and Phil notices not for the first time that they look delectably soft and pink.
"Ahem sorry I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking I just...and I shouldn't of touched you and-"
"Yes." Dan interrupts with a soft adoring look on his face.
Phil's shoulders slump, "I know I shouldn't of touched I know I'm sorry and-"
"No, Phil," He looks Dan in the eyes again and he feels himself holding his breath, "Yes."
"I would rather you kiss me. I would much rather you kiss me in fact."
Phil let out all the pent up air out with a slight disbelieving laugh.
"oOkaY, mhm. uh ahem. Okay."
Phil turns more towards him and he gets a goofy smile as Dan reaches out and holds onto Phil's shirt. He leans in a bit but doesn't know what to do. He can't give him just any kiss. It has to be wonderful. Breathtaking. He wants to make Dan feel as special as he sees him.
He lifts his hand brushes some more of his hair out of his eyes. He looks at his face intensly, now that he has the chance to without worrying about getting caught. He carrassess his cheek with the back of his hand before sliding his hand under Dan's chin. He traces his bottom lip with his thumb slightly until he feels Dan hold on tighter to his shirt.

He finally, finally leaned in all the way and feathers his lips against Dan's ever so slightly before kissing him. His heart stops when after a second or two Dan starts to slowly push his lips against his. Phil's hand goes back to his cheek as he deepens the kiss. It never stopped from the slow, intense intense kiss and Dan started to feel his toes curl from his ectasy. When they finally pull away Phil rests his head on Dan's and his heart stutters as Dan flutters his eyes open.
"I think I am falling in love with you."
Dan grinned reaching up to run his fingers through Phil's hair, "Thank God." He mumbles as he tugs Phil back to his lips.

They can barely kiss from how much they are smiling and Dan thinks that he has already fallen in love with Phil.

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