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Summary: Dan has denial, blah blah blah its cliche 

Phil knows Dan is watching him dance around like an idiot. He is completely aware of the little smile on his face as he watches, with a dreamy look on his face. Phil has always known. When Dan falls asleep on his bed while watching a movie. When Dan cuddles up next to him on the couch. When they hug, or those kisses on the cheeks. When he sneaks into Phil's room at night after a nightmare, or when he can't sleep, or on those nights when his room looks a little too dark and the walk to his bed looks deadly. He knows when Dan sits next to him and watches TV or plays games on his phone, while Phil reads a book, with his arm around Dan, rubbing his arm, or running through his hair, or playing with his hand. On those nights Phil is not only certain but he can feel it in his very being that they are going to be together forever, that Dan also loves him and that they are meant for each other. Dan on the other hand.....not so sure. They have always been close friends. Always. A little crush in 2009 means nothing....cuddling is something all friends do, and Phil knows how his nightmares are. Phil is just a very loving and snuggly person, little kisses of appreciation on the cheeks are just...friendly gestures if you will. As Phil dances in the living room to Taylor Swift and sings in his bad singing voice on purpose for the sake of entertaining Dan, he lets his mind wonder. He thinks about about them being together and the how cute he is et cetera. It is on a day where the rain is tapping on the windows and the last rays of the sunset looms through their windows as they are wrapped up together on the couch. Phil's arm around Dan's shoulder legs propped up on the coffee table. Dan curled around Phil, legs tucked up over Phil's lap and head on his chest, drawing patters on his chest with one hand, holding Phil's with the other. The TV has a show they have been binging on for weeks now, and they both have their eyes glued to the entrancing scenes. Small smiles playing on their lips. It's when Phil moves some of Dan's fringe, that had fallen into his eyes, out of the way and kisses his head and going back to the show like it was nothing that Dan realizes what is happening. They're holding hands, and he is making patterns on his chest like they are together.  

His heart rate picks up and he looks up at Phil. He has his glasses on and they have gone crooked, probably from nosing through Dan's hair earlier. He starts to reach out and fix them when he stops himself and tells himself that's weird. But it wouldn't be. It never was. It is 2017 for the gods sake. They have had sex. Granted they were drunk after a party but it was never awkward. In the morning they giggled and got up, got dressed, made breakfast as usual and went on with their day as normal. Why would that be normal? 'Maybe you love him'  Shut the fuck up head! You know SHIT! Love him? HA! Maybe platonically. Sure we have an above average best friend relationship but we aren't like that. strictly platonic. Like Sherlock and John. 'You ship Johnlocke dumbass' Shut up shut up shut UP! Dan was standing now staring down at Phil with wide eyes. 

"Dan? Dan! Are you okay, what's wrong?!" Phil asks with concern, not even looking as he turns off the TV. Dan shakes his head and sits back down, startled by how quick Phil puts his arms around him, making him feel safe, and rubbing his back and arm. "What happened? are you okay?" 

"Yeah," Dan shakes his head again, leaning back so he can actually look at Phil, "Yeah, I just started to dose off and got startled awake by the show." Maybe looking at Phil was a bad idea. He looked at him with a skeptical look, and looked intensely into his eyes. Phil bit his lip and decided that he shouldn't pry. 

"Well it's getting late. Why don't we go to bed, yeah?" He suggested running his fingers through Dan's curly hair. "You want to sleep in my room? Or I can sleep in yours?" 

Dan desperately wanted to agree and get under the covers of Phil's covers and have his arms around him, falling asleep to Phil's breathing and heartbeat. But, sadly, Dan declined the offer politely. "No, I- I'll be fine." 

"Okay," Phil swept his fingers through Dan's one last time before he caressed his cheek, not helping with Dan's dangerously high heart rate. "You know where to find me if you need me." 

It only lasted about an hour before Dan realized that Phil left his light on and door open not because he was planning on staying up, but because he didn't want him to be scared to go over to his room. "ah fuck it" Dan whispered to himself and he tiptoed out of his room and peered around the corner of his doorframe and he couldn't help but smile as Phil struggled to keep his head up, glasses sliding down his face, and his book held loosely in his hands. Dan stood up and rumpled his hair and straightened his pajamas. He cleared his throat and knocked lightly on the door. Phil looked up and smiled. He motioned over for Dan and got under the duvet, putting his book and glasses down. Once Dan got on the bed Phil turned off the lamp and turned over towards Dan. Dan was already looking at him with big innocent eyes, laying on his side with his hands curled around his chest. Phil wanted to change that, and so he did. He put his arm and Dan's waist and slid him over so they were chest to chest and smirked. Even though he was slightly blurry he could still see the look on his face. Like an embarrassed happiness that blossomed love in Phil's chest. Dan tucked himself into Phil, adjusting where he could still see his face and immediately started to doze off. "What happened Dan?" 

He opened his eyes and the concern on Phil's face felt like a punch to the gut. He shrugged and felt embarrassed and frightened by what had happened. "Dan," Phil nudged, rubbing his nose against Dans for a quick second, "C'mon. You can tell me. You know you can." 

So Dan sighed and hoped for the best. "It just suddenly hit me out utterly.... unplatonic we are." Dan bit his lip and than started bursting out laughing. Phil joined in soon after. They didn't stop until there was no sound coming out and Phil had stomach cramps and Dan had tears strolling down his face. Phil reached over and wiped away the tears but held his hand on the side of Dan's face. Dan didn't know what to do. Did he ask him 'What we are' or whatever, or did he just say 'okay g'night.' What does he do!? 

"You are over thinking everything up there in that head of yours Dan. I've been waiting for you to over come your fear and denial of us for years." 

Dan blushed and avoided Phil's gaze, "Really?" 

"Really." Dan looked back up and noticed Phil looking down at his lips than back up at his eyes. He smiled and his chest opened up in a familiar feeling that used to scare him. "Sorry for making you wait..." He trailed off leaning in, looking at Phil's lips "Can I make it up to you?" He asked looking back up into Phil's eyes. "Yeah, if you be my boyfriend, husband, lover, I honestly don't care as long as there is no one else." He said trying to be funny at first but then not being able to take it any longer. Before Dan could make a witty comeback, Phil used his hand on Dan's face to lead him to his lips. They kissed the rest of the night and slept half the day away, but they didn't mind. They were finally allowing themselves to be together fully. Now they can have sex sober. Which can be a lot more fun........


So theres that 


okay so I am cringing because "Another Cinderella Story" is on and my mom is watching it too and she is acting to CRINGE!!!!!!!!!!!




about the only straight OTP i've ever had. 

okay thats a lie 

Damon and Elena 

and klaus and Caroline like OTP OTP OTP OTP 

okay im done im done, its on a commercial 

im such a 5 year old. Not that there is anything wrong with that. 

I got a new car btw Monte Carlo SS!!!! premium man. Great Deal too. It's aweeeeesooooome



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