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ps. If you have not heard of the Swan Princess. I highly suggest you go find it now. It isn't Disney but boy oh boy. Odette is one of my favorites!! The father in it is honestly me.

Summary: Take a wild fucking guess
Dan loved fairy tales. The disney-esque type of fairy tales, none of that Grim Brothers shit. Where there was magic and handsome princes, the evil antagonist falls and all turns out well. His mother used to read him fairy tales everynight. She would make up some, find some really old ones that not many people knew, or the classics. When a new Disney movie would come out, she would make a story based on the movie. Perhaps it was because his life was one giant cliche, like the beginning of a fairy tale. When he was 12 his mother passed away. His father tried to read him some fairy tales at first afterwards, but he started having to work overtime since he wasn't getting the mothers pay as well as his. By a matter of events that only happens in movies and fairy tales, Dan's father married an evil and cruel woman. She was young and beautiful but she was vile. Her daughters just as bad. The older one was the ring leader, having inherited her mother's attitude and as well as her cunning and charming way of blinding men of her bile that lies within. The other daughter just followed suit. She never really had a thought of her own, she was her mother and sister. She was just as beautiful and just as good with the flirtatious facade that could get them with men who had money. Dan's father, having worked all that overtime, his boss gave him a promotion. So now they were wealthy and instead of being able to come home early - which was the hope of his well paying promotion- he still worked overtime so he could afford his expensive wife and step-daughters. And, what a shocking surprise, they treated Dan like shit and like a slave. The father was always too tired or at work to even notice. All he needed was for the girls to beg for a big fluffly gray cat named Lucifer, a bunch of talking mice and a prince and he would be the real life Cinderella. But there is no way they will ever get a cat, the girls are allergic, and mice do not talk in the real world and there is not Prince. Unless the Queens sons count but they don't as they live far far away and would never come to his busy little village. His friends from school had all left him as they got older, them becoming more popular, and him becoming a servent in his own home. He had never told anybody about his facination of fairy tales, he would be beat up in school. Now and back when he was 12. He thought of joining the Drama Club but his step sisters joined and they would not allow him to be on there and he thought it best to avoid the conflict altogether.

"Daniel! How many times do I have to say it? Come here this instant!" Allie, the older sister, yelled. He heaved himself off his bed with a sigh and followed the retched sound of Allie's voice.

"Yes, Alimona?"

"Don't call me that!" She hissed at him. "I will skin you alive if you call me that." She huffed and collected herself. "Mother needs groceries. The list is on the counter, do not come home without every ingridient but with nothing more. She has left her card and will check to see if you used your greasy little fingers to buy something that was not on that list." She pointed threatingly. "Now off you trot, you little rugrat. Go!"

How a 5'4, thin, bleach blond, teenage girl can intimidate a 6 foot Dan is beyond him. But nevertheless he made his way to the store in his sweatpants and baggy T, flannel tied around his waist and sneakers, feeling like a dirtback. His hair was unruly and he didn't even bother fixing it. The store is not expecially busy to Dan's delight and he decided he did not need to tie his flannel around his face so no one would know it was him. Why evil step mother Arieda needed so many damn porkchops was beyond him but because of this he decided not to use the Self-Checkout and an actual register. This was a mistake.

"Daniel?" Dan nearly dropped his phone when he heard the sound of his name in that smooth voice that he adored so much. He completely forgot that he worked here, what was he thinking! Dan stuttered out what seemed to be a mixture of hello and I'm good, at the same time, with his face burning, as he fumbled with putting all of the groceries on the register without dropping them.

Phan Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora