I think I love you

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This is like a drabble because I have no plan, I am jus gonna wing it till an ending comes out of it.

Summary: The process in which Dan and Phil came to fall in love????

Dan's never been one for being alone. There was a time, especially when he lived at home, he couldn't be out of his room too much. He needed to be alone for awhile, away from his smothering parents and brother who he saw every day. But that changed after Uni. When he moved in with Phil they never really seperated. At first it was like when Dan still lived with his parents when they had to cherish every weekend that he was able to come because they didn't know when they would be able to do it again. It's been years now and they know they don't need to do that or even think about when they had too. This was their normal now. Sometimes Phil stayed in the lounge all day and Dan came in and out, or stayed in the office. Maybe Phil played games all day and Dan didn't see him at all. Phil would still text him or send him a picture of something he just had happen to him (or he just yells and laughs when Dan yells back a comment on it...their neighbors hate them.) But all in all Dan has never liked being alone when their was the option of someone he trusts around. If he was dragged to a social event and for some odd reason Phil wasn't there he would isolate himself, preferring to be alone. But if Phil was there he would stay glued to Phil, he would follow him like a lost puppy. Phil thinks it's cute though. The first time he realized Dan didn't like being alone, especially at night, was when he started to hear Dan pace in his room talking to himself. They had fights about it a lot in 2012 when Dan didn't want to admit he was vunerable or lonely at night in the dark of his room.

Eventually Phil dropped it, he just said "If you want me or want some help, I will always be here." and never brought it up again. It was 2014 when Dan couldn't take it anymore. He was lonely and could never get comfortable in his bed, he had hardly ever slept and he just didn't want to be alone. He wanted to know someone was there with him, to be there if something happens or he has a nightmare, to hold him. He wanted to let his walls down everynight and just let himself have this, he needed this. Phil never slept better the night Dan wondered over to his room and climbed into his bed awkwardly. Phil, who was sprawled out on his tum, lifted his arm holding up the duvet and then layed him arm over Dan's chest to let him know it was okay.

Ever since then Dan slept in Phil's room every night. He could let himself be vunerable and let someone take care of him (even if they are just sleeping) before he waked up has to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders again.

Phil had started kissing dan on the head as of late. He did it in the morning when Dan groggily and grumpily prepared whatever kind of breakfast he chose that day, and as Phil was waiting on his coffee. He would just hold his arms gently and kiss his forhead before grabbing his coffee and walking out of the kitchen. The first time he did this Dan could of fried an egg on his face. He was burning up and was so shocked he just stood there for a solid five seconds before coming out of it.

They don't talk about it but it happens every morning. Dan lingers longer than needed while getting his food and discreetly pushing himself towards Phil, leaning against Phil until he kisses his head.

"You need something?" Phil chuckled out as Dan poured his milk into his cereal, apparently he needed to be right next to Phil to do so. "I needed room to pour my milk." Dan croaked, voice thick with morning grogginess. Phil looked at their counters and saw the only thing on them was the cereal box. He smiled down at the boy next to him, who is slumped and hunched so he can lean his head on Phil's shoulder, even though he is taller. "Yeah, okay." He said sarcastically, leaning down (less than an inch since Dan saw him and leaned up) and pressed his lips to his head. Dan closed his eyes and smiled wide.

Phil walked towards the lounge, coffee in one hand, Dan's hand in the other. Curious, he looked down at where Dan just intertwined their fingers together. Dan's fingers looked tan compared to Phil's pale ones, and they seemed to fit perfectly together. Phil tried to hide his smile and decided to ignore their hands and his heart that is beating too fast. Phil had noticed his heart beating too fast or his heart skipping a beat and sometimes it just downright seems to soar or drop, he isn't sure. He thought he might have a heart problem and started to pay attention to when it happened. It only happens around Dan and he knows what that means. Phil wasn't supposed to get feelings for his best friend aka roomate aka joint gaming channel partners aka Dan.
"Hey! Get out of my way!"

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