tongue tied

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I don't know what this is just...roll with it.

Dan has a curse as he calls it and he cant say those three words. Ever.
(Idek just roll with it...its cute.)
And they live together btw like they were flatmates and then you know started dating. So yeah.

Dan's POV

I'm scared. Scared that I am going to ruin this relationship, like every other relationship I've ever had. But this one, this one I'm terrified absolutely terrified that I will screw it up.
Phil Lester is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i-i don't want to lose him. He says he doesn't mind but that's what they all said before they decided that they did, in fact, mind.
I have a curse, as I call it.
The curse of stubborness I guess.
I just can't say I - I uh
I can't say those three words that means a lot to people. Those three words that mostly everyone dreams of having someone say to them.
Yet I can't say it.
I can't say it until I am complete and utterly in, well, you know what the saying is.
And everyone else who said they were willing to wait, didn't.
I took to long.
But Phil, I need Phil to stay. Its not that I'm tired of trying to find someone, no, that's not it at all.
I never even expect to find someone to be honest here.
Its just that...I have never met someone like Phil Lester.
"What are you thinking about, bear?"
He says while running his fingers through my hair.
I look up at him sadly "you won't leave me because I can't say, "I sighed in frustration and sadness"because I c-can't say i-"
He cut me off with a kiss, a sweet heartfelt kiss.
"No no no Dan. Don't strain yourself to try and say it. I would never leave you for something as silly as that. You can't say it till you're definitely at that stage. If we don't make it, which I hope doesn't happen because I care about you so much, it will be over something else not because you can't change something about yourself, that'd be ridiculous."

That's one of the reasons I can't let Phil leave. He says it like how I tell him.
The others always said 'because I won't say it' but Phil understands.
Phil knows I can't.
And he cares.

I leaned up and kissed him again this time for a little longer than what we did earlier.
"I hope we make it too." I whispered staring into his caring and sweet eyes.
"Do you want me to tell you what my mom said about love, Dan?"
"I-I guess"
He moved some of my fringe out if my face so he could see my eyes more.

"She said there are 4 different stages of love."

"Well what are they?" I sat up quickly wanting to know if all this time I have been at some certain stage and didn't even know I was.

"She didn't tell me, buuut," he said quickly when he saw me visibly slump. "She said 'philip, you will know. Unlike others, you will be able to tell what stage you are at. You will know because each time you move up in a stage you think differently about them. Understand?'"


He must of say the confusion on my face so he elaborated

"The first stage is where most people these days first say the words.
The first stage you start actually taking is the 'crush stage'"

"Oh when you get the butterfly's and the blushes and the dry throat and the kind of neediness to want to see them all the time?"

He chuckled "well you've definitely been in the first stage."

"Well what's the second?" I said giggling.

He scanned my face and held my hand. "I think you should find out by yourself."

I pouted and crossed my arms and huffed.
He only chuckled and cuddled around me again.
"I just don't want you to try to hard.
Those words are special and people throw it around these days. I want your first time saying them for you to actually mean them."
I blushed and looked into his eyes and felt the butterfly's as usual

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