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There is no plan for this whatsoever.
Dan always thought that if anything were to happen between him and his best friend it would be an accident. Like slipping and accidentally kissing or maybe waking up after a party with a raging hangover and completely naked in the same bed. Every once in a while (often) he would dream up a situation where they accidentally kissed or said something that made them go the next step in their relationship. He liked to speculate that Phil has feelings for him and that one day Phil would shyly and adorably ask him on a date and it would progress from there. All of his fantasies were very calculated, but Dan forgot he was bad at math apparently. Horredous at it actually.


Dan didn't know what was going on. How did they get here? They were eating dinner, what were they talking about? Something important, he thinks. He is having a hard time thinking at all right now. Oh, yes, him. They were talking about him. About how Dan didn't want to go to his high school reunion.

"Why not? I mean yeah, high school, yuck, I'm just curious?" Phil asked shoveling the last of his food into his mouth.
"What's the point really."
"What do you mean?" Phil looked at him with his big curious blue eyes as he grabbed both their plates so he can put them in the sink.
"Well, high school reunions are to show everyone where you are at these days and what you have accomplished. Most of them wont even remember me and if they do they probably already know about me being a Youtuber. I just don't want to go there and show everyone that I am exactly what they expected me to be; Single, introverted, ugly and still doing that Youtube thing." Dan said matter of factly as he stood up and leaned against the table.

Phil dropped the plates in the sink as he was washing them and turned around fiercly. "Excuse me?" Dan took a step back at the unexpected fire in his voice and eyes.

"What?" He asked weakly, Phil's smouldering eyes doing things to him that he doesn't want to admit and confusion swirling in his brain.

"Who cares if you are single! Lord knows you could walk outside and ask almost anyone and they would agree to date you! And you may be shy when it comes to your high school peers but the things you have done? The tours and meet and greets and collabs, no where in that says introverted!" Phil huffs out taking heated steps towards him, Dan backing up until he hit the counter and couldn't back up anymore.

"Having said that, they can't say anything against you still 'doing that Youtube thing'! You are a famous Youtuber! You have thousands of followers! What do they have? A mediocre job and maybe a spouse with kids? And-" Phil takes a breath, something Dan isn't sure he had done in a hot minute, before continuing, "You are not ugly. In no way, shape or form! You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen!" Phil exclaims, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. Dan found himself not breathing. He felt the need to change the subject, get the attention off of him. Otherwise he might do something they both will regret.

"Why do you even care if I go?" Dan said in what was supposed to be a defiant and strong voice but came out more weak then anything.

Phil calmed a bit at hearing the tone of voice but his answer didn't help Dan at all, "I don't care if you go, I care about why you don't want to go. You called yourself ugly and introverted, like you didn't think you were good enough to go. You are beyond good enough. Too good to go and grace those people with your presence."

It was one of those moments that Dan worried about his feelings towards the other, because he could feel Phil's body heat, smell his scent, and his eyes are dark and searching his own, and he doesn't think he can stand anymore.

"You're trembling."

Dan jumped slightly and Phil's warm hand touched his bare arm. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." Dan says slightly breathless as sparks shoot down his nerves and through his veins, starting from the contact of Phil's hand on his arm.

Phil shook his head and moves closer to Dan. "I shouldn't of snapped. I just I haven't heard you talk down to yourself in so long and I always wanted to shake you when you did and tell you that you were wrong and try and get you to see what I see but I managed to hold back because I knew it wouldn't do any good. I didn't even think this time though. I'm sorry."

Dan's knees are hitting each other because they are shaking so much, his breathing is coming out ragged and fast, and his hands are trembling by his sides. Dan feels suffocated, he wants to escape Phil and pretend this has never happened, but he can't get his feet to move. Phil isn't keeping him here, he even took a step to the side so he could walk away easily and leave but he can't. Dan tries to talk since he can't walk but all his lips will do it quiver and let out shaky breathes. Phil is just looking at him in a way that paralyzes Dan to his spot and make his stomache swirl dangerously.
"You can't possibly mean what you said." Dan finally manages, effectively breaking the silence and the way Phil was looking at him that Dan doesn't dare put a name to.

"Which part?"

"That I am the most beautiful person you have ever seen." Dan cringes as he says it, clearing his throat at the end attempting to relieve some of the tension. But apparently he is the only one feeling the thick tension in the air because Phil laughs effortlessly and smiles brightly at him and Dan has to clutch the counter top tightly.

"I do."

Dan shakes his head trying doesn't know what he is trying to do. Obviously something is shifting, something is developing, something that he has wanted but wasn't prepared for. Not like this anyway. Not with intense passion filling the air and thick attraction gluing them to their place.

"What about..." Dan tries, he can't belive he is actually going to say this, "Chris Evans?" Dan has to squeeze his eyes shut and clutch the counter harder to try and relieve some of the embarressment, he can feel his cheeks reddening with every passing second.

"What about him?"

Dan's eyes snap open and all the air in his lungs leave him in a rush. Dan tries to speak but nothing coherent comes out.

"Dan," Phil says, putting an end to the incoherent ramblings, "You are more beautiful than Sarah Michelle Gellar in my eyes. You are my definition of beautiful. There are synonyms that give off somewhat the same meaning but no one can compete with you."

Dan feels light headed and dizzy, maybe because he stopped breathing after Sarah Michelle Gellar. Phil's hands touch the top of Dan's and coax them to relax their grip. Dan lets Phil pull his hands up and inspect them. There is a harsh line on each hand where the counter dug into his hands and he starts trembling again when Phil runs his thumbs over the lines. He almost expected Phil to kiss his hands like a knight in shining armor or something but he just holds his hands between them and stares at Dan with unabashed fond and his eyes smoulder again as he gazes at his lips.

"Kiss me." Dan's hoarse voice comes out, the first time he has spoken with certainty since this conversation started. Phil stared at his lips and back up at his eyes. He leaned in and as their noses touched and Dan's breath hitched Phil whispers "Are you sure? I don't want you to think you have to becuase of how I feel about you." He added as Dan had leaned closer going in for a kiss after the initial question.

"Phil, shut up." Dan answers in an amused and fond voice before taking a step forward and leaning in again finally kissing Phil.

It wasn't the dorky, awkward first kiss Dan had expected if they were to ever kiss but this was better in his opinion anyway.

idk I just wanted to give you guys something because I have been gone like a mellenia

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