This Town

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May I just say...Niall

This town has played about 13 times while I was driving to and fro around town and everytime I saw a cute fluffy little scene in my head so here ya go.
Slight angst if you squint.

Summary: Dan and Phil have been broken up for about 8 months or so and Phil remembers just how much he loves him at a party zoë throws.

Song fic I guess


Phils pov:

The music vibrates through me as the base beats. Tyler Oakley, who is visiting Zoe and Joe for the week, brought his own alcohol and is currently getting drunk with Lou and Alfie. Everyone else knew there would be no alcohol at this gathering and was letting loose without beer.

I don't even know why I came here. Party's have never been my thing, I have to have someone by my side to be an introvert with. But I lost the only one I would love to be introverted with.

He is talking to an excited Felix and a giggly Marzia. Felix is telling a story and poods telling a story is a full attention drawer. I see his smile lifting and giggling at the funnier parts and then dropping back down to a regular happy smile. He has a red and black flannel that suits his natural hair, along with his signature black skinnies. His hair is getting long. It's starting to fall into his eyes again and he will occasionally flip his head or move it himself trying not to distract his company.

He sways his hips to the beat of one of the more up beat songs and I watch him with a slight smile. Watching his eyes light up with  laughter.

"Hey Phillio how's it rolling?"
Pj comes up and punches my arm.
I lean off the wall and glare at him, rubbing my arm.
"Fine peej. How bout you?
He gave me a skeptical look "aww c'mon man. I saw you staring at Danny boy over there. Just go talk to him. How longs it been?"

"No I can't just go talk to him. I'm, nevermind. Its been 7, 8 months. "
Pj whistled lowly, I could barely hear it.

"You two were so in love, still are I bet. I don't care what happened just go talk to him. It's been long enough."

I sighed and looked over at him and smiled again. "look at him, peej. He looks so happy. Too happy for me to ruin it. He's moved on, he has a boyfriend."

"He did. Are you sure he still does,". He looked around with his arm up "I don't see any boyfriend."

"Yeah. He has one, they are happy. He's happy and that's all I need."

"No," pj sighed, "all you need is him. Your happiness matters too."

I shook my head. "I'm over it." I felt the weight of his hand on my shoulder.

"No Phil. You're not. I swear to god, the way you look at him," he breathed a laugh and shook his head "people dream of being looked at like that."

"If I had someone look at me the way you look at him...hell, I'd marry them."

"But he doesn't want to marry me, he doesn't want to date me, he doesn't even want to be friends. We are done. And I don't even remember why anymore." 

"Just. Talk to him, Okay?"

" the torture of small talk with someone you used to love? No thanks."

He shook his head and walked away.

I watched a tipsy Louise and a drunk Tyler walk into the conversation with Dan and Felix.

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