Part 2

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IDK how to continue this so just roll with it, cause this has no plan whatsoever.
Dan stares in shock when he sees Phil. 'What are you doing here?' he signed.
"Thought I would visit you at work, I mean, you visit me everyday." Phil shrugged. Dan tries to focus as Phil stands there with his goofy smile and glasses.
'I eat there!'
"Ahh details details." He waved his hand is dismissal. "I got off early and decided to come see you." His eyes say there is something more to it than that but Dan let it go. For now. He rolled his eyes and smiled, leaned on the counter and rested his head in his hand. He works at a game store and is at a register with a sign stating 'Can't Talk. If you have questions I will find you someone who can help you' where they immerce in conversation. 
'So why are you really here?" Dan asked standing up after awhile. 
"I was, ahem, wondering if you would like to maybe come over later?" He stumbled out, swaying on his feet with a sheepish smile. Dan's heart races and his cheeks tint peek. 'I get off in 20'.
Phil's smile brightens up the room and as he tells him that he will wait and go play with the game trials, Dan melts into a puddle.
On the walk there they are animatedly talking about nothing in particular. Dan tells Phil that his signing is improving, "Really? I practice all the time!"
'You do?'
"Of course. I don't want you to have to carry around a dry erase board every single time you are with me."
Dan blushes and smiles at Phil and bats his eyelashes in embarresment. Phil thinks its the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
They walk in a comfortable silence after that, their hands brushing each others as they walk and matching pink faces.
Hours later and Phil is on the ground crying laughing his ass off. He isn't even sure what is funny anymore, he is just cackling. Dan is basically vibrating with his amusement and at times a small almost inaudible squeak comes out as he does so. Phil isn't sure if he is aware of the fact and he isn't going to ask. Dan is laying upside down on his couch with his hands up in front him and watching them as he makes fluid and abstract movements in the moonlight streaking through the window. Phil has calmed down now and is also watching Dan's hands. Phil isn't sure how much time has passed; seconds, minutes, mabye hours, but he finally looks away from Dan's hands and speaks. "Your face is so red right now." Dan drops his hands on his stomach and smiles at him. "Do you need help?" Phil laughs as Dan nods and rolls over to him. He takes Dan's wrist and drags him off the couch and he hits the ground with an 'oof' that was obviously out of his control to make. 'That's not what I meant!' Dan sits up and crosses his arms with a pout. "Can you even see after being upside down that long?"
Dan sticks his tongue out at him and looks away as if to show he is still mad, but Phil can see his smile. When Phil doesn't say anything he looks back. Phil is smiling at him and his eyes are warm and inviting and he doesn't know what to do but look back. It is as if time was stilled, their faces were heating up and smiles growing wider before either of them can move. "You wanna play a game?" 'Sure'
And so their Friday night sleepovers became a precident.
It was after Phil's shift one Friday night that he got an unexpected suprise. He spotted Dan bitting his lip and kicking the ground, nervously looking up at him through his eyelashes. Phil grinned brightly, "Dan?" Without context or warning, Dan pulled out lillies and petunias from behind his back. "Are these for me?" Dan deadpanned and thrust the flowers in Phil's hands so he could sign. 'No, they're for the President of the United States. Yes they are for you!'
Phil gave a hearty chuckle before leaning in and kissing Dan's cheek, "Thank you, they are beautiful," and, as though it was an after thought, he added "like you." They both avoided eye contact after that but could see the others sunny smiles.
Dan doesn't know when the last time he went home was. This thought leads him into a hole of other questions. Like, 'Why the fuck has Phil not asked me out yet.' (He has taken him on more "hang outs" -they both know they are dates) or 'Why in the fuck hasn't he kissed me yet.'
Then he starts to wonder why he hasn't done it. 'Hold on, I can do it.'
It's Dan's day off and he sits on the couch eating a bag of chips and designing a plan. He got as far as diner and candles, maybe some music, when Phil got home. "Dan? You here?" Dan claps twice and gets back to his chips. "There you are. I don't think you have moved since I left." He chuckled. Dan decides, to hell with it' and gets up. He stomps towards Phil with determination. "So I went to the store and I got some more of those chocolates you li-" Dan grabbed the sides of Phil's face and kissed him before he could change his mind. He pulled back, removed his hands from Phil's face and took a step back. He sees that Phil had dropped the bag he was holding and that he is staring at Dan like he grew another head. Phil's adams apple bounced as he gulped, "I know you like those chocolates but I didn't think you liked them that much." His voice was shaky, betraying the nonchelantness he was going for. Dan shrugs biting his lip and batting his eyes at him. He has his hands behind his back in an attempt to not grab Phil and kiss him again. When all Phil did was smile at him in a daze Dan, again, had to take matters into his own hands. He huffed, dropping his arms and furrowed his eyebrows at him, 'Are you going to kiss me or not?' He signed in exasperation. Phil grinned and grabbed Dan by the collar of his shirt and kissed him until he took Dan's breath away.
Luckily for Phil, he managed to ask Dan to be his boyfriend after that because if he hadn't Dan would of hit him with a spoon.
Yup. I really had no idea how to continue this. I'm unsure of what I even wrote now tbh. I'm just rolling with it and hoping for the best.

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