Pay attention to me

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Idk man
I d k
Basically some younger shorter Dan who is crushing on older taller Philly.

Summary: Dan has a huge crush on his older brother, Jack's, best friend Phil. And Phil doesn't even realize Dan exists.

(Also I am currently listening to legit all Michael Jackson songs.ITS LIT!!!!!)

Dan pov

Ignoring the obvious yell for my name I keep playing my Mario kart 8, to absorbed by it than to pay attention to my elder brother."
"Daniel James! I will steal your straitners!"
I groaned enough so he could here me all the way downstairs. "What!" I snapped back "I'm playing a game!"

"Whel I was going to ask if you wanted anything from China Pavilion but okay okay I understand..." He trailed off knowing I would change my mind.
"Well you know what I would want you ass. Why are you offering anyway?"
"Phil's coming over, " I felt the unwanted blush creep on my cheeks. "and you know how he is, he told me to make sure you got some so just the usual?"
I walked as normally as I could to the door, "yeah, uh when is Phil getting here?
I looked down at him from the top of the stairs praying to every god that I still didn't have a blush on my face.

"Uhh, who knows? Bye snot nose."

"Bye jackass!"

I watched his retreating figure walk out the door and waited until the door was completely shut, before running down the stairs. 'oh shit I forgot to turn off the Wii'

I fucking lost because of him.
I look about my room and start to pick up anything embarrassing.
My homework strown about the floor, along with my mess of clothes.

I jump at the two knocks at the door "knock knock!" I throw the heap of clothes in my arms into my closet and shut it blindly.

Running down the stairs, (not almost tripping ), I can hear my heartbeat and it's not completely from the running.

I run my fingers through my hair as I walk over to the door.

"Why do you insist on knocking anymore Phil?" I mumble. He chuckles and sits down on the couch. "wouldn't be able to tell my jokes if I didn't."

I blush under his gaze and bit my lip trying to stop the smile.

"So when is Jack getting back?"

"Oh uh...Well he just left so I I don't know." I chewed my lip eyes darting everywhere but Phil, "a awhile I guess."

"Ah well guess I'm stuck with you." He teases.

"I uh yeah. Um well you know where everything is and uh uhm I have homework so see ya!" I rushed out speed walking back up the stairs trying to be as discreet and fast as possible.

I lean again my door frame and put my hand to my chest.

'Ba boom ba boom ba boom'

"Jesus Christ" I mumble, sliding down the door.

Crawling over to my bed I decide to actually do my homework.
Leaning against my monochrome bed sheets, ignoring the posters that have one corner not sticking to the wall, I get to work.

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