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idk just roll with it.

Summary: The awkward, messy, uncomfortable first times in their relationship. Awkward, but perfect.


The first time Phil realized he liked Dan, more than just a best friend, it was when Dan was trying to teach Phil piano. He sat to Phil's left and would play an octive higher and had that big, patient smile directed solely towards him. He would chuckle, but not in a mean way, when Phil would pout and say he just doesn't understand. (He started to do this a lot when he realized he could get Dan to reach over and put his on top of his to help direct him more.) When Phil decided to finally admit his feelings to Dan, (it was a spontanious thing really) was when they were at the London Eye couple weeks later and some handsome man had just flirted with Dan in the line they were in and he watched Dan blush and giggle and bite his lip flirtatiosly. The guy giving Dan his number with a wink and stepping in the campartment with a smirk, just tipped Phil over the edge. They got in the next one and stood away from the other group of people standing closer than needed as there really was quite a bit of room in there. Phil looked at Dan and saw his blush still present on his cheeks and his  fingers playing with the small piece of paper with the neatly written number on it.

"So, you going to text him?" Phil said with little to no emotion, trying not to show he was jealous. Dan shrugged and gave a small smile towards Phil.

"I'm not sure. He was cute and sweet and seemed genually interested in me...."

"So, what's the problem?" Phil asked, hoping that Dan would say something a long the lines of 'I am in love with you and he just isn't you, kiss me Phil.'
It's no surprise that he didn't say that, but the boy could dream. He was only 22 after all.

"I'm just awkward and not all that interesting or attractive so I feel like he would just get bored."

"I think you're amazing," Phil had said without hesitation "and attractive. He is lucky he is even being considered because you deserve anything and everything." He huffed and tried no to think about Dan with someone else. Dan had never really thought about Phil romantically. He knew Phil was attractive and he's his best friend but he watched Phil and say jealousy and he looked at Dan with affection and a type of fond that Dan hasn't seen before and it stires something in him.

"Thank you, Phil, really." He leaned up and kissed Phil's cheek. Phil ended up just turning to Dan and telling him that he really likes him and how he likes how he expresses himself and how really likes how much in common and that feeling that stirs in his stomach everytime Dan looks at him. It was awkward and kind of random, but Phil didn't regret finally telling Dan when that little 18 year old bit his lip and giggled awkwardly and pushed him a bit and mumbled "Shush, you're making me blush." And when his flirtatious lip bite and cute eye batts were directed towards him instead. When they got off The Eye and got Dan to his home Phil, still awkwardly, asked if Dan would consider being his boyfriend as well as his bestfriend. Dan shuffled his feet and looked around biting the inside of his cheek. He whispered a quick 'yes' before kissing Phil's cheek again at the speed of lightning before running inside his house to gain the ability to breath.
It was uncomfortable and unexplainably awkward but...they both didn't care.


The first time they kissed they had been dating for 3 months. Dan was expecting their first kiss to be this epic and romantic, passionate type of kiss, that went smoothly and would be a kiss that goes down in history. In reality it was in Dan's room after Phil snuck in through his window because his parents wouldn't let him leave since he back talked his mom. Dan jumped when Phil knocked on his window and he had pulled him in through the collar of his shirt and hurridly shut his window. "Are you crazy?" He whisper screamed at him.

Phil just laughed and pulled him into a hug. "I come here to surprise my beautiful boyfriend and I honestly just feel so attacked right now."
Dan tried to scowl at Phil but three seconds watching Phil's stupid big grin and he was a goner. He hugged him back and sighed. "You're cute doing the whole Romeo and Juliet type of balcony scene." He said cheekily, pulling away. "Too bad you don't have a rose."

"Well actually," Phil pulled out a lovely rose out of the inside pocket of his jacket "My juliet...." He did a cute little bow thing being just as cheeky as Dan had been. Dan just rolled his eyes and took the rose and layed it on his desk, trying not to show how truly affected he was by that. He turned his back to Phil for a second to straighten out his bedsheets, purely for the sake to ease the knot in his stomach from the look in Phil's pretty blue eyes. He turned back around quickly thinking of a conversation starter but just squeaked in surprise when Phil was right there, not a couple feet away where he was before.

Phil was sweating and didn't even know how to breath at that point, he didn't even function what he was doing as he leaned in a bit, only for him to bring it back again. He furrowed his eyes and had embarressment written all over his face as he tried again to lean in, but he was doing it in jerks and so he leaned back to try again. Dan could barely handle the awkward haze and it wasn't hitting him at the moment that Phil was trying to kiss him. After Phil finally got far enough to rub their noses together did the reality of the situation hit him. His eyes fluttered closed and leaned in too but it was too fast and they bonked heads. They both pulled back and ignored the dull ache on their head and awkwardly smiled at each other. Phil leaned in again but hit Dans nose with his. Dan chuckled as Phil sighed in embarressment and rested his forehead on Dan's with his eyes closed. When he opened them again he stared into Dan's eyes and brought a hand up to his cheek. He lead Dan's face to his and they, finally, managed to get it right. They both thought it was a perfect first kiss.


The initial akwardness of living together passed about 6 months after they moved in to their apartment. They weren't awkward about sharing a bed anymore, they didn't bother to close the door when changing, they just became a domestic couple. They had made out on the couch for a good 20 minutes, Dan's shirt was long gone, Phil's had gone soon after. Phil was leaving a hickey on Dan's chest and Dan remembered the first time that Phil gave him one and they could barely look each other in the eye right after. Though it became a frequent thing soon after.
Phil picked Dan up and carried him to their room and lightly laid him on their bed. After a bit more of kissing each other and exploring a little with their hands Phil pulled away.

"We should stop now." He was panting and Dan knew that he felt Phil's arousal on his hip, and he knew that Phil could feel his. He saw the love and lust in his eyes, and he knew Phil was ready to stop and just cuddle and let his arousal go away without fixing it. He normally would nod and smile happily as Phil kissed his head and rolled over next to him. But..... not today. Today he wanted to go all the way. He wanted Phil and the awkward first time that would no doubt happen. He was ready. He ran his hands up to Phil's hair and whispered, "No. Don't stop." Phil looked scared and a bit skeptical. "Danny...are you sure?"

"I trust you Phil, I love you."

Phil didn't talk or even take a breathe for a long moment before and leaned back down and kissed him long and sweet. "I love you." Phil said back to him and they made their decision. "As long as you don't bite my dick we will be fine." Phil snickered and dodged Dan's smacks that came at him, "That was one time and it was my first time ever giving a blow job you ass!!!

They had their first time that night, going all the way together, and Phil had accidently squirt lube onto Dan's leg. Dan tried to stay quiet and ended up screaming. Phil didn't mind that though. They explored each others bodies and it was awkward and clumsy but it was perfect.
Because they know, best of all, that you have to have those awkward first time moments with someone to get anywhere. There is no such thing as perfect kiss or first time or that epic silique of love expressed in the most glamorous way possible. That's only in movies. No, their first times are always awkward, but they will always be perfect to them.

So yeah, I don't know really but I thought about this while playing on my phone.

Really need to go to sleep have to be up super early tomorrow :/


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