Stressed out

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Okay yeah that was a TOP reference and I know it's an over played song blah blah blah, it's still good and it worked with this so. you can deal. 

It's been forever but I am writing another one that is taking FOREVER 

so have this one 

highkey almost smut(ish) but lowkey fluff


Summary: Dan and Phil have an agreement that Phil uses as his advantage to be with Dan. sort of. I guess.

They don't really know when it started. They have always been really close friends. Really, really, close friends. 

"Dan! We have fifteen minutes!" 

"I know! I know! okay okay. I need a shower so I will take a quick one while you get everything ready and-" 

"I need a shower too!" 

"We don't have time for both of us." They looked at each other, than looked at there phones. 

"You get the shower ready and get your clothes and mine and I'll get the towels and our things all in order." So Phil got to work, finding Dans jeans and a shirt he thinks Dan would like to wear and grabs the towels. Phil climbs in and gets started and is halfway through shampooing his hair when Dan joins him. "Wooops. I almost fell." He says sheepishly, his hair already getting tangled from the water. "You're an idiot." Sticking his tongue out at him he starts shampooing as well. "Give me the conditioner." 

"Get it yourself, Phil, My hands are in my hair and soapy." 

"It will wash off the bar you idiot." Phil rolls his eyes and reaches around him to grab the conditioner. "How can you stand to be facing the water when you shower?" 

"Idk, how do you stand not facing the water when you shower." Dan retorts and smirks at the mumbled "touche" 

They made it to work on time that day, somehow. Phil almost slipping out of the shower because dan wasn't done yet, Dan (who kept complaining about his hair being natural) kept trying to find ways to procrastinate in that little time, and the keys were missing for a second or two. 

They are close friends. Showering together means nothing. They are just really, really close. That's what Phil argues in his head to keep him sane. But he couldn't deny that this deal, is a bit past platonic. Phil guesses that it was 2015 that this....arrangment, started. Dan gets easily stressed, but doesn't let himself deal with it. He just lets it build up and up and up, until it all comes falling down. 2015 was the most stressed he had been under since law school, just not as bad. Dan and Phil were just sitting and typing when Dan just burst into tears and ran over to Phil's spot in the office chair and straddled his waist and cried into his shoulder- arms wrapped tightly around Phil's neck. Phil rubbed his back, played with his hair, and slowly swayed the chair from left to right. "What's wrong?" 

"I. I just need a break for a bit?" 

"Of course Dan. You don't need to put yourself under all this stress you know?" 

"I don't know how to get rid of it without-" He stopped, clinging on to Phil's T shirt tighter. 

"Without what, Dan?" Phil asked softly.

"Without." He heaved in a big sigh before leaning back and wiping his tears away. "Without getting off." Dan had whispered it so softly to him that Phil was afraid he heard wrong. But he still took the chance of saying- "Want my help with that?" 

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