Brat Part 1

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I have no fucking idea yo.

Summary: Karma will kick you in the butt one way or another. And Daniel Howell needs to be taught that what goes around comes around

Imagine waking up to find everthing is different. Not like an unexcpected death that turned your world upside down. This is a literal change in the universe. You go to bed in the bedroom you share with two other siblings, in your own bed that was your brothers before that, and their dad before that (He got it from his dad); the broken spring digging uncomfortably into your side and listening to your brothers snores. Then imagine waking up to find yourself in completely different room. No spring in your side, no loud annoyong brothers, not even the same blanket (That blanket that doesn't reach past your ankles.) That is the kind of change that will turn your life upside down. Karma and Fate are weird in the sense that they don't always do their job. But sometimes they go a little overboard. Karma is very unpatient and a little mischevious. Fate is very strict and loyal, she always makes sure that what needs to happen, happens. Karma might slack off here and there and let someone slip by but sometimes, she will make someone's life hell. So when Karma and Fate catch themselves in the presence of Daniel Howell, a petty little rich brat who thinks he is higher then everyone else from how much money he owns, Karma decides to have a little fun. Fate, usually very obedient to the rules decides to let Karma bend them for a bit because maybe her lesson might lead to the boys destiney. Everyone has two destines, not even fate is set in stone. And Karma was sure to make this kids acts come back to bite him in the ass....Hard.

Dan Howell's nightly routine was simple. Take a shower, yell at someone, get in his silk pajamas, eat a snack, embaress someone, set out his clothes for the next day so he looks as expensive as he is, sub tweet someone to embaress them, climb into his expensive, comfortable matress, close the princess drapes that are around his bed, clap his hands twice so the lights turn off, than fall asleep easily. His morning routine was pretty much the same except reverse and its waking up instead of falling asleep. His life was amazing but he always wanted more, he was a huge brat and his parents, who were always working, spoiled him. Even now that he is in high school. They let him party in the mansion, because they have the money to fix it. They buy him whatever he wants, treat him however he wants. He gets everything and puts everyone else down because of it. So when he wakes up by someone shaking him aggrasively he is quite shocked to say the least.

"Get up, you are going to be late! Now! Don't make me get the bucket!" Dan having never been treated with so much lack of respect he scoffed at whoever it was and rolled over. He only had time to realize that this lumpy and uncomfortable matress was not his when a bucket of freezing cold water that chilled his spine had him shooting out of the bed. He stared in disbelief shivering and teeth chattering. He hugged himself to try and keep warm and continued to glare at the criminal.

They smirked,"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Dan's inside burned with anger, how dare this, this, woman treat him in such a mannor?

"Now get cooking! I will not hesitate to make you walk to school, I have other children to attend too! Whom of which are actually obedient, mind you."

"Listen low life, you can't treat me like this!" He shouted as she started to leave the room, which he now noticed had three other beds and the walls were cracked with the wall paper peeling.

"Honey, I don't know where you got that idea because after all these years, Daniel, you'd think you would understand how this works. Now get ready!"

He heard boy laughing from behind him and he spun around glaring, comepletely enraged. What was going on? Didn't they know who he was?


"It's just, you think you can call her a low life? When living here? She takes more care of your ass than you ever have."

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