Knock Knock

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"Knock Knock."


"No, you are supposed to say who's there."

"I know that you...fine fine. Who's there?"

"You know"

"You know who?"

"Exactly. Avada Kedavra, bitch."

"Oh my god, that's horrible."

"Knock Knock."


"Knock knock."

"Phil don't make me hit you."


"Thank you."

"Knock knock"



"Nobel who?"

"No bell. That's why I knocked, duh!

"Somone put me out of my misery."

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Adore who?"

"Adore is between us. Open up!"

".....I'm going to strangle you. You are a complete idiot, stop smiling I'm annoyed with you!"

"Knock knock."

"Ugh. Who's there?"

"Britney Spears."

"Britney Spears who?"

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Britney Spears."

"Britney Spears WHO!!"

"Oops I did it again."

".....okay I liked that one. Stop grinning."

"Stop hitting me. Knock Knock."

"Why do you know so many of these you spork."

"Cause I do, KNock kNoCk."

"Who's there.?"

"Me marry."

"Me marry who?"

"You marry me?"





"Knock Knock."

"Hey you didn't answer me."

"Listen Bitch. I've been playing along with your jokes. Humor me."

"Who's there."


"Daniel who?"

"Daniel don't see you on one knee."

"You want me too."

"No. I am not being proposed to via knock knock joke. Try again."

"Ugh. Fiiiiiine."

"Thank you."

"......Knock Knock."


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