Kissed a Boy

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lmao this is just for giggles.
I kissed a girl katy perry but you know, boy version.
out of order too but hey still.
I guess song fic???? not really.(?) Idk
I just gave myself tickled myself making this so yeah. lol I am still laughing. I really don't know guys.

This was never the way I planned, not my intention. To be completely honest I didn't have a plan to start with but this was definitely not something I had expected. When Chris invited me to this party at one of his friends house I knew it was going to be a stereotypical college party. Lots of beer, lots of girls, and lots of sex. So, after factoring in that I havn't been laid in over six months, I agreed to go. I had condems, my sex appeal clothes and axe cologne. I was not leaving without being laid. When I had arrived I found exactly what I had been expecting and it's this part of college that I actually enjoy.
Two drinks in and I was on the dance floor already grinding on some random chic but she talked to much and her voice was squeeky, I wasn't drunk enough for that so I went to get myself some more and that is when everything went spiralling out of control. It was after two more cheep bears, I was inbetween tipsy and drunk, when I noticed him. I had seen him before at a couple of lectures but we had never actually talked before and I had never even thought twice about him but at that very moment it was different. The feelings rising up inside me were not what I was used to but I just wanted to try him on. I was curious for him, he had caught my attention. I was just so brave, drink in hand and lost my discretion that I went up to him crowded myself up against his front and just let myself go.
I kissed a boy...and I liked it.
I had kissed a boy and liked it. I liked it.
I kissed him just to try it but I really liked it. I hope his girlfriend don't mind it.
Of course what I do know about him is that his girlfriend are off and on most of the time and that he is bisexual so hopefully they are taking another break.
He had kissed me back too.
It felt so wrong, it felt so right, but that doesn't mean I'm in love tonight.
I realized though that boys are so magical, rough hands, pink lips that are so kissable, they are so hard to resist just so touchable and it's to hard to deny it.
It's no big deal though, it's innocent. An experimental game, just human nature.
I'm not even sure of his name but does it really matter?
What matters is....I kissed a boy.
And I liked it.
I liked it.
lol. I crack myself up.
Oh and these one shots have like A LOT OF PEOPLE READING THEM!!
Like ???
I had no idea.
I started these so all these ideas in my head wouldn't just stay there and I could you know practice my writing and shit but like wow
thanks guys honestly.

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