The Prince's Lover

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Okay so this one is a little different. My English teacher gave us a writing assignment and it had to have "how the rich or famous differ from the not so rich and famous." but we could have our own story around it. Well he is a homophobe and I just decided why not fuck him up????? He doesn't know that I support LGBTQ+ so he wouldn't be expecting it. He isn't going to read them till tonight he said soooooooooooo hopefully he doesn't fail me lol.

You can imagine whoever here, like Dan and Phil, I personally imagined Aurther and Merlin because I ship the fuck outa Merther soooo yeah. It's kinda based in the Camelot world too but it honestly could be Dan and Phil if you imagine hard enough. OR DEAN AND CAS!!!!!!!!!!!! They all have black hair and blue eye characters which is perfect.
Just kinda role with it I guess.

Once upon a time there lived a servent for the court physician in a beautiful kingdom. The prince of this land of tradition and wonder was curiously enough finding himself attracted to the physicians assistant. The prince is just and kind and he doesn't see commoners as lower than himself persay, but he is the prince, the future king! He is to marry a woman from a noble family, not a simple villager who runs about for the physician. However, the prince couldn't help it. The harder he tried to ignore his attraction the stronger it became. There was just something about those bright blue eyes that popped in contrast to that dark black hair. Something about the way people (nobles and peasants alike) appriatiated their company and the sassiness and jokes were endearing. The servent giggled with the maidens and would keep up with the knights witty attitudes, which impressed the knights to say the least. The servent enjoyed their life, wearing traditional servent gowns and a cute small house was enough for them. It was good. The prince never failed to notice them walking about, stopping to help anyone and everyone. A smile always on their face and was one of the most caring people in the world. Servents were to address nobles as 'sire' and 'my lady' and this servent never failed to do so. Except, by request from the prince, he was not to be called 'sire' he was to be called by his name. He loved how his name sounded rolling off the servents tongue and the way their beautiful pink lips moved during his name. Eventually, however, the simple villager got suspicious of the prince's behavior. He was always getting the physician to send up his lovely assistant for the silliest of reasons. A headache, a stomach pain, a knee pain, a bump on the head. One day he actually had a full two seconds of looking around the room before coming up with a lame excuse "I have heartburn." But the assistant would just take out some supplies from the bag that they always carried and "fix him up". The servent must say that feelings for the prince are very present in their heart ,but knew that it could not be. There are so many things that would never work between the two. If he was just a knight and not a prince than maybe, maybe, they could be together. The servent thought of this on the walk to the prince's chambers, yet again, because he was 'nicked in the arm". Surley a scratch of a sword does not require the servents aid, and they were preparing a sassy retort about how a big bad and brave prince is worried by something as simple as a scratch. The comment never came, for the second the chamber doors were opened it was clear that this was not a joking atmosphere. The injury was downgraded to the max. There was so much blood on the rag he was holding, it was more blood than rag and was probably never going to be able to rid the stain. An arrow is sticking out of the arm and he is making a vain attempt to hold the bloody rag around it. The nervous physician ( assistant....) started yelling in a not so becoming manner and certainly not a mannor in which to address a prince. "You should have gone strait to the physicians quarters..." and "What were you thinking....." were being shouted as the bloody cloth was discarded and replaced with a clean one. "How did this happen...." as well as "You are an idiotic prat!! What happened you ......" were said in a tenser but quieter tone as the blood was now washed away enough from the injury for it to be examined. "Are you okay?" with a simple, "Were you attacked? By who? Are you alright?" were asked in a strained quiet worried tone as a numbing oil was being spread around the arrow. "Hunting accident. Probably shouldn't let newly knighted knight go hunting and split into groups." He had chuckled trying to lighten the mood but was unsuccessful, there were still two gorgeous blue eyes staring at him with worry that made his heart race. "This is going to hurt." without anymore warning, the arrow was wripped out of the princes arm who was still in a kind of daze. He fell out of it two seconds later bit into his hand to stop his scream from pain. With a quick apology and his arm not excessevely bleeding anymore, he was all wrapped up and ready to go with pain medication and everything. But the servant did not leave. "Why did you tell me 'A scratch'? I wouldn't have strolled on up here taking my sweet time if I had known you had a bloody arrow sticking out of your arm!" The prince wasn't sure if he should joke or be honest, but in the end those eyes got to him and, after all this time, the truth came out. With a proclamation of love towards the beauty infront of him he hoped to God that he hadn't made a mistake. The servent however, feelings aside, wasn't as surprised than gloomy. They are nothing but a simple peasant who could never compare to a noble lady of beauty and properness. There are so many reasons it could never work. The king is a traditional man. Very set on their ways and was adament to keep them the same and not change their ways. The villager could think of ten reasons off the top of their head why this was not meant to be, it's highly unexeptable. Outrageous even. If anyone knew that the prince had these feelings, he would never be handed the throne when his father passed. His father would make sure of it in the afterlife. Or write it in his will. But, alas, voicing these things to the prince was useless. The prince was determined to change things. Why couldn't he marry who he wanted, no matter the family history? He was in love, and should be allowed to be with the one he truly wants. He fell for their wittiness and their overall personality. Their beauty outnumbered any fair maiden in his book. Even in servent clothes, even when covered in dirt, or blood from helping out with an injury. Everything just wormed their way into the prince's heart and he was confused and enraged that he was unable to love his love the way they deserved to be. The prince decided to tell his father and if he was told to break it off or shunned away from the family he would leave glady with his lover. No matter how much the servent begged him not to give up his throne just for a mere peasant. This only made him more determined to make this happen. He would be with them if it was the last thing he did. After trials and arguments, some leading to becoming physical, his father finally learned to execpt that he either let's this happen or lose his son. The villagers were a bit easier, some of them who are in love with knights, but never told or acted on it because of the obvious thought this was the best news they have ever heard. So one year later and a grand celebration for the wedding had been announced. Everyone was invited. "Now the new king of this amazing kingdom," and as the croud cheered the prince, sorry king, smiled at his lover, "and his newly wed spouse," tears were in their eyes, in everyone's eyes. Even the retired king thought this was beautiful. "I now present to you the King's!" The King and his husband held hands and their smiled grew to grins as everyone cheered. They were simply meant to be, no matter the tradition they were raised to believe in.


So yeah.

I am waiting to see him Monday, for the grade but we'll see.........

So yeah.

If anyone watched Merlin
I am sorry for the feels, but I was just like
you know what this needs......Merther.

Honestly though I read back through and it worked for Phan and Destiel. I'm proud of it wether or not I fail from my teachers bias.


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