Stay away from lester

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for pasteldanxpunkphil
Okay I'm good.

This sucks by the way.
You've been warned.

Summary: Lester has teachers and students scared of him and has been said to have done unspeakable things and Daniel just doesn't care.

Dan pov:

I moved into the quite town 3 months ago. It's been 3 months and all I have heard from the students or teachers and even some neighbors that the kid next door...'Lester' is cruel and evil. He is a horrible human.

He can't be all bad, he's just a teenager. And how can they believe those accusations. Well more like tall tales rather then accusations.
It's his looks most likely.
He has black hair which complements his blue eyes, but nobody notices his eyes. They notice the eyebrow piercing and then the lip piercing and assume he's trouble. Then they notcie his leather jacket that always has some band shirt underneath, if you looked, and his black skinny jeans with his black converse. Not to mention his towering 6,1 height.
But if they looked into his eyes and actually tried to be nice, they wouldn't see the 'juvenile' they make him out to be, they'd see a pair of sad and uninterested eyes. His face is always blank and distance as if to not to try and be open to people who will just leave him.

My third night at my new home I made cookies and went over to his house. Of course then I didn't know about the conspiracies yet but I had seen a boy enter the house a couple times. So when he answered the door, cracking it open slighty as if to make sure I wasnt a threat. I just stood there in a pink pastel sweater and white skinny jeans and vans to match, holding a tray of chocolate chip cookies in my hands with a big smile on my face. He opened the door more and I greeted him and handed him the cookies. He simply nodded and looked sad.

Now I know why.

"Daniel!" Mrs. Hobbs snapped "pay attention!"

Jolted awake by her teachers screach I realized I'm still just stuck at school.

"Hey Matt." Some kid in front of me whispered to his friend.
"You know that shark by the ocean they found last week?

"Yeah what about it."

"Well the news said someone punched in while surfing and it caused it to die on the spot! And Alisa said she saw Lester driving home from the beach on his motorcycle!"

"He took on a shark! Woah he has balls man. No wonder that gang stopped when he threatened them!"

I rolled my eyes. A shark? Are you kidding me. And how low can you get, he sits right next to me and he can hear you.

Looking over, Phil is biting his lip and kind of pouting but in a miniscule way so to anyone else they would just see him looking down at his paper and doodling on his notes.

Sighing I look at the board.

X≈.0009 * 15² 

⅔ ³ ÷π ≈ Y

the fuck is this.

What- are these even real equations?

I should stop day dreaming in Hobbs class.

"Hey Phil," I whispered leaning over slightly looking at him pleadingly. When he looked up with semi wide eyes I continued "can I borrow your notes, I missed the whole erm....well whatever it says on the board when I was daydreaming?"

He furrowed his eyes and looked down at his notes and back at me and numbly nodded.

It was that moment that makes me notice ,as I'm walking home, that Phil is a couple paces behind me. Keeping his distance. To people driving by, it would probably look like he is stalking me and getting ready to murder me. But I realize, he does that everyday. He keeps his space and let's me do me.

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