Coincedences and Destiny

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Sorry it has taken me so long I have been at dance camp this past week and just got a new laptop I finished setting up!! I won All American, which is a sort of competition if sorts, but I got it and I can go to London for the New Years Eve Parade!!!!! okay so that's all about me for now. (Also I legit just started watching AND finished Riverdale season one all in one day. I mean it's not even hard and I have done worse, it's r u i n e d m e. I love Jughead more than myself.) If there is any speeling errors I am sorry but I have not gotten to that on this lovely thing yet, so I apologize now, speeling has never been my strong suit.

Dan is all about the awesome coincidences. If he runs into a person at the store two times in a row at the same exact place, he just thinks it's a cool coincidence to talk about with Phil later. Phil on the other hand is all about fate and destiny and all that jazz. Sometimes they get into arguments over it that can last for hours. It always ends the same, Dan ignoring Phil and playing on his phone with a bitch face and Phil huffing and turning his back to Dan until they forget why they were mad at each other. Dan hates when Phil talks about fate and how nothing is a coincidence. Why can't he just see that he is making stuff out of nothing. Phil on the other hand, doesn't mind a coincidence every once in a while and likes listening to Dan about why he believes in them and not fate, it is when Dan yells at him or pummles his ideas to the ground for even considering something other than a coincidence. So when they played the "Higher or Lower" game on the gaming channel, Dan was getting angrier and angrier the more they talked about the topic. He hid it well he thought, and thought if he can just get them past this quick and onto other topics I will be fine. He should know by now that Phil knows him better than that and after the video ended he brought it up.

"Why were you so angry? You know at the coincidence and fate discussion. It was just opinions Dan." Phil's feelings are kind of hurt by how Dan always throws this veiw of his out the window. Usually they listen to each other and even if they are still on different pages and are still able to continue on in the same book merrily.

"I wasn't" Dan stated, getting up and starting to walk out of the room.

"Dan..." When he kept walking Phil got up and chased after him, "Dan!"

"What Phil!"

Phil stopped and stared at Dan who had turned around and spat venom at him through his words. The pain and confusion must have been painted all over his face because Dan sighed and apologized. "Look, I'm sorry. I just don't want to keep talking about it, okay." Dan was expecting the normal 'Okay Danny, I'm sorry.' as Phil hugs him and they go about the day. That didn't happen this time.

"No. We are talking about this. Why wont you tell me why it gets you so upset? We always fight about this, just talk to me, I don't want to fight with you."

Dan glared at Phil, "You know what, Lester, i'm going to bed"

"Well, Howell, If you don't get back here I am not getting in that bed with you." Dan stopped. Frozen in place. He hates sleeping without Phil, and Phil knows it. No matter how mad they are, they always share the bed because Dan always had such nightmares in the past and Phil was the only one to ward them away and even though he doesn't have those nightmares anymore he still just wants to sleep next to the person he loves.

"Fine." His voice wavered and he wanted to slap himself for it.

Dan sits in bed alone, hugging a pillow in place of Phil and sobs, trying to keep them quiet but some of them he just can't hold back. He hears the front door slam and he jumps up. "Phil?"
No answer
Panic sets in and Dan runs to the door and swings it open running to where he would find Phil.
He keeps screaming Phil's name and crying, hoping Phil will hear him, or care. Finally he sees walking up ahead with one of their bookbags.
He screams his name as loud as he can and runs full spead towards him.
"Phil where are you going you scared me I- why- why aren't you hugging me back?"
Dan stood there holding Phil while Phil stands stiff as a pole looking at Dan coldly.
"I'm sorry, Dan, but if you can't even talk to me about something so simple than I don't think we can work anymore.
"What?" Dan whispered so queitly he thought he hadn't spoken at all. He clung onto Phil's shirt and begged with all he had. "No, no! Phil, please, I will talk about it, please don't please. I need you!"

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