Beauty and the Beast

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Ugh im absolute shit at updating sorry!

I just saw Beauty and the Beast TWiCE BeCAusE ItS tHaT gOoOOod! ( Update, its now been 3 times....oops) (4....)

Emma Watson was the perfect choice for Belle and oh god 'Evermore' is the best song I have ever heard! sOooOOooOoOoOOoO GOoD! So on that note, this is a "beauty and the beast" type thing. Its not going to be like the actual one or anything, its kinda weird tbh, but this is what I imagined after telling myself that I have to make a story for this because this is amazing AFkhfdh.....and this lady in the theater said Belle should of gone with Gaston.......

(Also Gaston had the perfect actor, they did well)

So umm this is kinda a drabble I don't exactly have this planned out but this is happening now so just roll with it. For those of you who watch supernatural you might get a couple of references and for those of you who don't well uh I will try to explain thoroughly enough. And, and, those supernatural freaks out there like me, don't come at me like 'bitch. That's not how it works' Like listen hoes, this is my story, my drabble and my universe so you can suck my cock. I am the chuck of this story so deal with it. I am changing a couple of things to work better so mlah.


Crossroads are the place that you go to make a deal with a demon. That's why we are called 'Crossroad demons'. People come to the crossroads, do the necessary procedures to summon one of us and strike up a bargain. Humans make such dumb deals. They want to be rich, so they sell their soul. They want the girl of their dreams so they sell their soul, they wanna be hot, or successful, famous, cheat death for another 10 years. Its quite hilariously pitiful when you look at it. Every deal I make, every soul I steal, they are all the same. Every deal is like the other. Eternal life in hell for 10 years or less on pitiful earth. Robert Johnson, Mozart, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe et cetera, they all sold their soul. Why do you think that all prodigies and geniuses die young? I do get a crack out of it though, the irony of it all. It is a helluva business though. four customers today and I already want to skin myself alive rather than to listen to some blubbering buffoon going on how they are sure about how they want this but arn't thinking about it. not really. It's a soul, not your kidney. Of all emotions demons actually have, why did boredness have to be one.

"Um, Hello?" I groaned as I realized there is another customer. I looked around (I'm somehow sitting on a tree branch) and try and place my surroundings. "England? There'f fucking crossroads in England?"

"yes sir, there is." I rolled my eyes and jumped down from the tree and turned to the victim of the hour. Here stands a very hot tall man with blue eyes. "Well he- low," I whistle looking him up and down. His black hair and toned arms and legs are turning my demons lust forward. He has to be 20, 25 at most. "Alright, hansom, what's your bargain." He opened his mouth but I cut him off, "No wait, wait, wait, let me guess. Fame? No no, money. No no no that's not it...Is it a girl?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Ha I knew it! All you men are the same, who is it, Emma Watson?"

"I get that you are a demon and all and the sassy douche is your thing, but it's bad for business if your customer can't even talk." I was slightly taken aback by his forwardness, he was the one calling me 'sir' not one minute ago "Well, well, well, by all means, enlighten me. I've heard it all before, 'I'm so perfect for her, I just need to have her be pushed in the right direction.'"

I lean against the tree and stare at him, yawning. "My little sister, she- she's 15. Her name is Belle. I want you to save her." This man keeps on intriguing me, this is a deal I haven't had and I am excited. "Save her? Now what does she need saving from?"

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