Stupid Phil Lester

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This is all over the place but I think the ending is pretty good. Dan really likes the word stupid in this one.

Dan is very good at saying no to anything romance. He is. It's pretty good, great, at it....Just not around Phil Lester.
Stupid Phil Lester and his stupid kindness and his stupid caring.
Phil and his stupid smile and blue eyes.
His stupid humor.
Phil is dangerous. He gives Dan these feelings that he has never had before. He doesn't like it. He doesn't need it, want it.
Dan has three rules: Never sass his boss, do not leave wet towels on the floor, and do not, do not, think about Phil Lester.
But he can not stop thinking about stupid Phil fucking Lester.
Almost anything he looks at reminds him of the stupid prat.
He can't trust himself around Phil. And Phil has no fucking idea.
Dan is an absolute idiot. He shouldn't of even read Phil's stupid text.

'Movie night at mine?'

Dan should say no. Absolutely one hundred percent no.

'Time?' What the fuck?

'Anytime. Just bring your pretty self over here whenever.'

Dan breathes heavily and his heart is beating to fast. Maybe he just shouldn't go. Yeah, that's what he will do. He will just stay home.
He throws his phone on the couch and goes to his room to get ready for bed.
"Early night, no temptations."
A shower that's what he needs, yeah.

One hour later and Dan is contemplating throwing himself off a cliff.
Here he is, with freshly cleaned body and just a dab of cologne, standing on Phil's porch and staring at the door and in his (Phil's) favorite pair of jeans, and in slightly small T shirt that fits just fine except his stomach shows and when he lifts his arms his belly button is visible.
A deep breath in through the nose and out his mouth he knocks on the door.
In five seconds flat Phil swings open his door with his stupid smile and blue eyes.
Dan has to hold his breath and smile, his fist clenching at his sides.
What has he gotten himself into?

Phil chose a horror movie...something he knows Dan is not good with. That's another problem with Phil; he knows things about him that he doesn't like Phil knowing.

"Eeek!" Dan squeeled and jumped right next to Phil and buried his head in Phils shoulder.
'What the absolute fuck? What am I doing?'
A deep chuckle erupts from Phil and he puts his arm around Dan, a shiver runs up his spine and tingles under Phil's touch.
"It's okay, I got you." Phil whispers, nosing his hair and forehead, thumb drawing circles on his shoulder.
He has to bite his lip and clench Phil's shirt tighter. 'I can do this. I can do this. I have done this before, I can do this.' Dan loops in his head. Before meeting Phil his three rules were; Don't sass his boss, never leave wet towels on the floor, and no dating/sex.
His stay away from Phil rule is a direct correlation to the no dating and sex rule. Every other person and he had no problems, barly any effort required. And here he is holding his breath and basically on Phil's lap.

"What the fuck is that?!?!?" Another laugh from Phil and Dan feels his gut twisting and getting warm. This is exactly what is dangerous about Phil Lester. These feelings. The way Phil isn't pushing him, letting him decide. He still hears Phil, as if it was only moments ago;

"I really like you Dan. And I am okay with just being your friend if that's what you wish but if you ever change your mind, mine isn't changing anytime soon."
"...I would like to go home now."
"As you wish."
That was after Phil had convinced Dan to go to the county fair with him and he won Dan one of those big stuffed lions. He handed it to Dan when he said that, smiling at him as Dan stood there, wide eyed, frozen in place and arms around the lion like a life line.

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