Admirateur secret

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The title is French for secret admirer so yeah this is a drabble thing .....I guess....idk okay? Je ne sais pas! D'accord?

I am so sorry If I completely butcher the French language. I am still learning and I can't even speak english fluently so please be easy on me if you are french and are absolutely appalled by this.  

Translation to all of the French will be at the end. 

Summary: Phil's aunt lives in Nice, France and so he is very educated in the language, but no one really knows that about him. So he uses that as an advantage to express his love to Dan.

"Phil! Phil!" Dan exclaimed, trying to grab the boy's, three feet in front of him, attention. "Dan! HI! What!" Phil sarcastically said turning around and walking backwards, admiring his best friend. "Oh shush it you! I was going to share my cookie with you but now I'm not.

Phil rolled his eyes, smoothing out his ugly school uniform, discretely wiping off the sweat from his clammy hands. He had been waiting for this moment since yesterday. His knees weak and arms spaghetti. He was hoping Dan wouldn't recognize his handwriting, even through the neatness and elegance he put into the foreign words. He watched as the giddy boy opened his locker and watched the red envelope fall out. Boy did Phil felt like a young menace.........................

"What the hell?" Dan reached down and examined the object. "I believe that's an envelope, it appears, that you have caught someones attention Daniel." Phil said suggestively, trying to act casual and not like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.  

"Bonjour, beauté. Vous avez l'air mignon aujourd'hui."

Why is there a french letter in my locker?

'Oh god does he speak french?' 

"Not sure, stud, but someones got an admirer!" Phil sang teasingly through his panic! and giggled at his friends blush. 


"Ohhhhh Danny, do you have another one? You are a stud." 

"Shut up" The cute boy mumbled as he stared down at the letter. 

"Cher Dan,                                                                                                                                                                                  je vous aime beaucoup et je prie Dieu que vous ne connaissez pas le français." 

Dan stared down at the letter and read it multiple times. 

"I got 'Dan' and 'french' out of that." 

Phil let out a sigh of relief and played it off as a chuckle. 

"There any new French students you been talking to?" 

"No! I don't understand." Dan groaned in annoyance, "I don't know anyone who knows French. We don't even have a french teacher anymore! She quit two years ago!"

Phil simply laughed and grabbed the books Dan needed and slung an arm over his shoulders, leading him to their class.


The next notes came and went (Dan complaining that, although they may be sweet, he can't understand them and he wants to know who it is!). He told everyone he knew, the ones he wouldn't get embarrassed with, about how frustrating it was. 

J'aime beaucoup tes cheveux. C'est doux et mignon. 

Vous êtes fou, dans une bonne façon. 

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