Queer Thoughts

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One word.  Smut.  S m u t...smut! that's it. absolute porn in words. Smut.
(The title just kind of tickles me. becuase like it means queer as in like the 'strange' meaning but I also mean like highkey gay. Idk it gave me a chuckle)

Dan grips the sheets on his bed tightly. He stares at the ceiling but only sees stars.
"Fuck" He whispers.
"Fuck!" He does not whisper as he arches his back. His hands to to his hair and his toes curl as he whines pitifully.
"Please." He doesn't even know what he is asking for just knows he wants it, needs it.
"Yes," He sighs.
Then his hands are being held down above his head and he turned his head to the side, panting hard. The sweat prickles at his forehead and glistens on his arms.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck." He moans as his neck is licked and sucked and bit.
He doesn't even know what is going on anymore, all he knows is the absolute pleasure he feels.
"I'm gonna, I'm gonna-"
"Go ahead." Phil says and -

Dan gasps as he opens his eyes. He looks down to see that he is hard and there is no chance of it going away anytime soon.
"Fuck!" He says under his breath
He shakes his head, he has to forget it. It was just a dream.
A wet dream.
A wet dream with Phil fucking him.
A wet dream with Phil fucking him hard and fast and-
Dan groans and sits up, rubbing the sweat off his face as he sits up.
He needs to get laid and by someone other than his best friend.
He doesn't actually like Phil. No no. He is just horny and he lives with Phil and so he is just naturally in my thoughts and the dream just happens.
But Dan can't stop himself from wondering how Phil's fingers would actually feel, "Stop!"


"Yeah?" His voice comes out coarse and shaky.

"Breakfast is almost done, you coming?"

"Yeah, Yeah, uh, in a couple," He shouts before continuing to himself, "after I get rid of my boner."


Dan thought that after that he would forget it and go on with his life, but he doesn't.
He can't stop looking at his hands and lips and his arms that he notices are stronger than they look. He did his best to just ignore it and move on and was mildly successful throughout the day, that is, until it was getting late. "Dan have you seen my laptop charger?"
Dan stares at Phil with his mouth parted.
Phil is in his boxers and an old T- shirt, his hair slightly wet from the shower but overall just a mess and his glasses. His eyes look so much more blue with his glasses on. He looks so much more hotter with his glasses on. Dan feels heat in his stomach and knows blood will be rushing to a certain area if he doesn't stop soon.


"Um!" He jumps a bit and brings his legs up on the couch in a way that would hide any sign of erection. "No no I don't believe I have. You can use mine."

"You okay? You been a bit off today."

"Fine! Never better. I am great! Mhm. Yes."

"...Okay? If you wanna talk about anything, you know where to find me."

Dan nods stiffly and gets a flash of going in Phils room to 'talk' with him.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He says taking a step foreward.

Dan jumps back quickly, "Yes! Yes! I am dandy as a dandalion."

As Phil skeptically leaves Dan lets out a sigh, "I need to calm down."


Dan layed in bed, still awake, trying to fall asleep, yet trying not to at the same time.
What if he has another dream? What if I am to sleep deprived and I just jump of Phil? His mental debate eventually puts him to sleep.

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