Their Game

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Here is a happy fluffy recovery thing. So you can have something besides 'Trauma'

Summary: Dan and Phil being completely in love with each other and instead of acting on it they joke about it


They always did this dance. Walking around the affection and tension with sly comments and flirtations, seeing just how far they could go, stopping just at the precipice of getting real. It was their little game, the inside joke that never got old. Relentless flirting, sometimes it was down right dirty and sexy that it almost stopped being a joke and became real. 2009 was the beginning of it all, where they were still getting to know each other and trust one another. Now eight years later, there are no places that can't be touched. Every weakness they have can be brought into the light as long as it all stays in the playfull banter, thick with tension. Of course there was that one time when they came home a little too drunk. The playful banter was getting more sexual more tense. Every time soemthing dirty was said they would scoot closer to each other. They kept getting dirtier and dirtier, lust swirling in their eyes, when Dan brought out a kink he always suspected Phil to have it was all over. There was no time to waste, Phil's shirt was off in seconds, they skipped kissing and Phil was leaving opened mouth kisses on Dans neck. Dan tugs at Phil's long black hair in response and rolls his hips against him. The fact that they were both intoxicated and the sexual frustration that had pent up for years they were done soon and still on the couch. They didn't sober up until the next morning and still, even after this obvious cross of the line, they still didn't consider it that. Sometimes, when Phil compliments him, Dan will wink at him and say something along the lines of 'Ever since you got a piece of me Philip..." and walk away with a sway of his hips. Smirking over his shoulder as Phil heartily chuckles behind him.

Everyone notices how they interact with each other. Everyone knows they are totally and utterly infactuated with each other. They know it too. Deep down. Phil thinks this whole game started because they needed a way to express their obvious, maybe a little overwhelming, feeling towards each other. They didn't want to act on it in case it ruined their friendship, their Youtube carreer. But years later, where their relationship could survive an atomic bomb, they still didn't do anything real about it.

"Phil! Dance with me?" Dan whines splaying himself across Phil's lap. Phil chuckled loudly and ran his fingers through the Dan's curly hair.

"Dance? Are you drunk?" Dan giggled at him, the usual sparkle of play in his eyes.

"No silly, I just want to dance. You can't spell dance without Dan."

"Oh okay," Phil stared warmly down at the crazy boy. "And to what music might I ask?"

"Who needs music?"

Phil rolled his eyes and agreed. Phil led Dan to the middle of their living room. He bowed, comepletely exaggerated, and kissed Dan's knuckles gently staring up at him. It was more of a punch in the gut instead of incouraging him. The look in his eyes was soemthing far more than playful. Dan gulped and nervously smiled at him. The air was thick, but with something for more than playful tension, something far less familiar. It was something real.

Dan came back to his senses when Phil moved Dan's hands to his shoulders, since he wasn't paying attention. He felt Phil's strong, warm hands on his hips. His fingers found his skin under his shirt rubbing circles warming up his skin and giving him goose bumbs.
Phil started humming, out of tune and quietly. Very quietly. He was afraid if he spoke or did anything above a whisper the spell would be broken. Dan would start to giggle, playfully push him away and maybe do a curtsy, but it would go back to being a game. It's always just a game. Phil gripped his hips tighter and pulled him closer. Dan breathed out a quiet laugh. Apparently, he too, was concerened about breaking the silence.

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