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Today is the day they move in and I really really don't want it to happen. Can't something happen that'll stop it. They win the lottery and buy their own house? They realise they want to stay with their father, but that would suck for mine. Why can't things just be simple. 

Dad said they'd be arriving at around 1 in the afternoon. He said they'd be in and out because they have to move things in. He said I didn't have to help. He asked if I was sure. I said yes. I lied. 

Today would be the day everything changes. Today will be the day I meet them. I really didn't think this through. What am I supposed to say to them. 'Oh hi, we have to live together but please don't talk to me'.

They'd be here in 10 fricking minutes and I wasn't ready at all. I could just stay in my room all day. I didn't have to meet them straight away. I didn't want to. 

I could hear a car pull up outside. I stood up and walked to the window. My Dad got out of the front seat followed by a woman with blonde hair. It was her. I stepped back from the window not wanting to be seen staring. I heard the front door open and so I opened my door a little to try and listen to the conversation that was taking place. 

"Girls, you are going to stay here and unpack your things into your room" I could hear my Dad say. "Come on upstairs, I'll show you" 

Shit, they were coming upstairs. Shit, shit, shit. Dad please don't come in here to introduce us. Please.

Each step on the stairs my heart sped up and finally stopped when they reached the top of the stairs. "That's the bathroom" My Dad pointed to the right of where he was standing. He carried on walking. Past my room. THANK YOU DAD! 

I stayed behind my door listening to the conversation, making sure I was out of sight. 

"Here" My Dad opened the door diagonally opposite to mine. All three of them walked in and left the door open. "You can choose which bed you both want" There's a wardrobe over here where you can hang your clothes and a cupboard for folding." My Dad was showing them around their room. "So, your Mum and I are going to get some more stuff so you can start unpacking your things in here. I'll show you downstairs so you can help yourself to drinks and snacks" 

They were leaving the room and so I hid behind my door again. They were downstairs in a minute and I was already regretting my decision.

Around 10 minutes later the front door opened and closed again indicating my Dad and their Mum gone. 



It's bigger than what I expected. Our room is bigger than at home. But this is our home now. 

I looked around the many boxes and picked up one that said my name on it. I headed for the stairs. This is going to be a long day. 

"Mila what are you doing?" My younger sister called out. 

I stopped and looked at her over the box "I'm going to our room and unpacking. You go first and I'll bring all the boxes upstairs okay?" 

She ran past me and headed for our room. "Come on then" 

I followed her and settled the box down in our room. "Okay Sof, open the box while I go and get another one" She nodded whilst I headed back downstairs. This day was going to be really long indeed. This went on for a good half an hour, me just going up and down the stairs bringing boxes up that by the time it was time to actually unpack them, I was far too tired. 

I sat down on the bed feeling myself settle at the much needed rest. A few minutes later, the front door to the house opened and I could hear my Mum and Michael bring in more things. I looked up at someone coming out of the door opposite our room. It was a girl, she was probably Michael's daughter. She looked at me and I smiled. She looked away and carried on walking toward the bathroom. 

Okay then, she doesn't look too happy. I can't blame her though, we are basically taking over her house. My Mum and Michael interrupt my thoughts as they enter our new bedroom. 

"How's it going?" Michael asks. 

I sigh "Not great, I just finished bringing everything of mine and Sofia's upstairs about 10 minutes ago, I'm knackered already" 

"Well, you don't have to do everything right away." Mum replies and comes to sit next to me. Sofia runs to the bed to sit on her lap.

My mum starts playing with her hair when I see Michael's daughter appearing in the hallway again. I look up at her and our eyes meet again. Michael turns around to look and sees his daughter. 

"Lauren" Michael says softly. "I'd like you to meet some people" 

Lauren, that was it. I knew I heard her name before, but I must've forgot it. Lauren moves closer to our room glancing at each of us nervously. 

"Come on" Michael guides her towards us. 

I look down suddenly, not wanting to make her more nervous by staring at her. 

"This is Sinu" He starts with my Mother. 

"Hi Lauren, it's nice to meet you." My Mother smiles warmly to Lauren. 

"Hi" Lauren replies. It wasn't rude, but it wasn't nice either. 

"These are my daughters Sofia and Camila" I looked up to look at Lauren once again and smiled. 

She glanced at us both and said another unenthusiastic "Hi" 

Sofia was the first to reply. "I really like your hair" Sofia gets off my Mothers lap and moves towards Lauren, finally reaching her she reaches for her hair. "It's so long".

Lauren looked at Sofia and I could have sworn I could see her eyes sadden even more. "Thanks" Lauren replied and frowned at my younger sister. 

Sofia smiled widely at Lauren, not realising the body language of the girl standing in front of her. 

"Right, well now that we've introduced you guys maybe we should all go downstairs and eat some lunch?" Michael asks looking at Lauren "Lauren?" 

Lauren looks at her Dad disapprovingly and replies "I'm not really that hungry and I've got things to do" 

Michael looks at his daughter and nods sadly. "Okay" 

Lauren heads back to her room without another look.

From meeting her and seeing her, there's one word I would describe Lauren. Sad. 

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