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A week has gone by and its already the weekend. The quickest fucking week that has ever fucking gone. Hopefully this weekend goes even faster! I don't want to fucking go but I have to.

I have to go because I haven't got an excuse not to go, well other than I don't want to.

Knock knock

Camila came in

"Your Dad says we have to leave now"
I stayed sat while she stayed by the door waiting for me.

I sighed and grabbed my bags walking past Camila out of the door. She followed me as we walked down the stairs.

We all put our stuff in the boot of the car and made our way to the campsite. It was apparently a 2 hour drive so I could sleep. I had been woken up at 7 after all.

Sinu sat in the front while we all sat at the back. Camila was in the middle because Sofia's car seat was on the end. I sat behind Sinu, hated this already.

Please say I fall asleep so we don't have to talk. Please say no one talks if I don't fall asleep.

"Looking forward to it? Sinu asks.

"Yes, I can't wait" Sofia replied grinning widely.

I rolled my eyes and put my headphones on hoping they wouldn't disturb me.

The song filled my head as I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. I was successful.

The car stopped and I opened my eyes thinking we were there. I felt a weight on my left shoulder. I turned my head slowly and Camila was asleep on me. Great.

My Dad was gone, we were at a petrol station. Sofia was also asleep and Sinu couldn't see that I was awake so I decided to pretend I was still asleep so I wouldn't have to talk to her.

I closed my eyes and could feel Camila lean into me even more. My stomach caught butterflies and I just wanted to snuggle into her even more. What. No Lauren.

My thoughts overtook me as I fell asleep once again definitely more comfortable than last time.

Sofia. I could hear her laughing. I opened my eyes and felt someone wrapped around my left arm cuddling it. My head was on hers as she cuddled into me.

Everyone had probably seen us. Shit.

I sat up and Camila woke up instantly. Her head came off my shoulder and she loosened her wrap around my arm. She looked around her surroundings whilst she fully woke up. She did look really cute right now. Shut up Lauren. Stop thinking like that. Her eyes landed on her arms around my arm and she looked at me wide eye.

She took them off me "Sorry"

I smiled back. What. Why the fuck am I smiling?

"Great, you're all awake" my Dad spoke making me turn toward the window looking out. "we're almost there"

It was a few more minutes drive and I couldn't wait to get out and stretch my legs.

We pulled up at a campsite and there were a few families already there. Not that we're a family. We aren't at all. We're two very separate families.

The other families were much younger, like more around Sofia's age so that'll be nice for her. Not that I care.

I got out of the car and looked around, it seemed decent enough. I mean it was just a field surrounded by forest so how decent could it be?

"Come on, help us get everything" Dad nudged me "I don't want to make two trips"

I got my stuff out and followed my Dad to the campsite. As we walked into it I realised it was much bigger than it looked. There were pathways in the forest that led to more secluded campsites and I so would prefer to go there than be surrounded by random people.

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