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"So what are you thinking of getting?" Shaun asks as we look at the menu. 

"I'm not really hungry, I might just get a milkshake" 

"Oh cool" 

All six of us were sat in a booth. I was on the outside with Shaun next to me and Dinah opposite me. Ally was sitting next to her a Josh next to her with Nick opposite him. I hate to say it but I was fucking bored. I really wasn't in the mood for this. I just wanted to go home. Yes Lauren is there but I don't care anymore, I just want my bed. I'm just not in the mood and I couldn't tell you why. 

Everyone was talking and Shaun tried to get me involved a few times but I couldn't be asked. I really just couldn't be bothered. What the fuck has gotten into me? I haven't been in this much of a mood since we moved. Please say I get over it soon. 

I look up and the touch of Dinah's hand on my arm. "You okay" she mimed. 

I nodded.

"You sure?" 

I shrugged. I really didn't know what was wrong with me. Maybe everything that's happened is suddenly affecting me. Fucking Lauren. She's such a fucking bitch. 

Dinah let it go and carried on with the conversation knowing I didn't want to talk about it. I was grateful for that. 

We ordered our food and drinks and we talked, well not really me that much but everyone else and we went home. It was pleasantly really boring and not my thing at all. The fact that Shaun asked if I was okay about 6 times made me think that Ally and the girls were telling the truth about him liking me. Just another thing to add on the 'What the fuck list'.

Why couldn't he just want to be my friend? 


I collapsed on my bed and realised it was only 10. I'm getting so boring. My sister was fast asleep and I kind of wished I didn't go to the Diner so I could've spent the day with her instead. 

Lauren: Will you come here please? 

Why is she texting me? Why does she want me to go over there? After what she did what a fucking bitch. 

Camila: No

Lauren: Please

I rolled my eyes and jumped off the bed walking across the hall. 

I opened her door without knocking and shut it behind me. She was on her bed siting up leaning against some cushions. I stayed stood by the door. 

"Well?" I waited.

She stood up and slowly walked toward me. My heart again instantly sped up. What was she doing? 

She stopped a few feet away from me which calmed my heart rate. She looked down at the floor and started to play with her fingers. She was nervous. 

"I just wanted to say sorry" she looked up at me.

I nodded not really accepting it. 

"Camila I mean it" She kept her eyes firmly on mine, "I'm really sorry" 

"It's fine" I lied. 

She shook her head straight away "No it's not" 

"It's done now, forget about it" 

She stepped closer to me and I flinched at the sudden movement. "See, you're scared of me now" she began walking back to her bed but I grabbed her arm suddenly feeling guilty. 

"No" I turned her around "I'm not scared of you" It was the truth, I wasn't scared of her. 

And there it was again that feeling in my stomach as her eyes gazed into mine. Fuck sake. I quickly diverted my eyes and then realised I still had my hand on her arm so I quickly pulled away. 

 "Is that all?" I asked suddenly feeling like we had nothing else to talk about, well nothing I wanted to talk about. 


I gave her one last look and left her room suddenly feeling even more confused. What.



Dad called everyone downstairs for a meeting. It'd normally be classed as a 'family meeting' but they aren't my family. They never will be. 

"So" Dad started looking at Sinu as she smiled to support him. "We are all going away this weekend." 

Sofia's eyes widened "Where?" she asked excitedly 

"Camping!" My Dad said just as excitedly. 

"Yay" Sofia jumped up and down while I closed my eyes in frustration. Why?

My Dad took a seat next to me and carried on "You guys have been here a month now and I think Lauren you should try and get to know them better" 

I kept my eyes firmly on my lap. Why the fuck was he pushing this? "No" I said. 

"Lauren please?" 

"I can't" I tried to think of a reason to get out of it before he asked why. 

"Why can't you?" It wasn't my Dad that asked but Camila. I looked up and met her eyes. 

"I'm" I tried to think. "I'm" I couldn't think of anything. 

"Great" My Dad interrupted "You can join us then" 

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down "I don't want to" I barely spoke. 

I don't think they heard me, or maybe they did but chose to ignore it. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING GO! I wanted to scream it, I wanted to scream for them all to leave an never come back I wanted to cry and cry and cry. 


"How long are we going for?" Camila asked. 

"The whole weekend" Sinu replied. 

I groaned. 

Sofia looked at me sad. 

I looked at my Dad and he looked disappointed. Why the fuck is he being like this? Making me go when he knows I don't want to? This is not the Dad I know. 

"We'll be leaving early Saturday morning so make sure you are ready"

I rolled my eyes and was the first to leave the 'meeting'. Fuck sake. Why did I have to go? He would never push me. Never tried to push me into meeting Sinu, but now he's pushing me to spend a whole weekend with them? WHY?

I really fucking hate him right now. 

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