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How could I forget. I'm so fucking stupid. There I am asking them to bring alcohol and pouring it for her. Shit. I am so stupid. Everything with her just caught up with me and I just wanted to have some fun tonight, even if I didn't want any of them here including the girl I've just happened to kiss. Then I had to go and be an idiot and forget that she has an alcoholic father.

I join the others and hope the atmosphere has changed back to a good one.

As I sit down all eyes are on me and I look straight to Camila. She wouldn't would she. She wouldn't tell them. Just because of a mistake she told them. What the fuck.

"What?" I ask around the group hoping and praying that they wouldn't all have a go at me for this.

"So.. Ally was telling us at lunch today that she saw you and your dad at the mall" Dinah started

I breathed a breath of relief knowing that I was off the hook this time. I looked at Ally and could tell that she felt uncomfortable with us all talking about me potentially avoiding her.

"Right?" I acted oblivious

Ally smiled awkwardly and sat up straight "Did you see me?"

I glanced at Normani knowing she knew the truth and then gave my full attention to Ally and responded "No, why?" I hated lying I really did but the thought of them all finding out made me feel sick to my stomach. I wasn't ready yet.

"Oh" Ally looked around unbelieving

"Why, what happened?" I tried to play it off as if I didn't know what was going on

Dinah jumped in "She thought you were avoiding her"

I laughed "Ally why would I avoid you?"

Ally joined in and shrugged "I don't know, don't worry about it"

I pulled Ally into a side hug and looked to Camila glaring at me. I could tell she also knew I was lying. My smile faltered and I reached for my drink and took a sip.

"Anyway, drinking game?" Normani changed the subject

I was going to suggest not but Camila was the first to reply "Great idea Mani"

I looked at Camila and I'm not going to lie, I was worried. She had nearly finished her second drink whilst we were all on our first.



We were all tipsy now and I knew that I was beginning to relax a lot and that wasn't good. Everyone could turn up at the house any moment and I wasn't even that bothered. The thing is I am bothered but I cant be asked to let it consume my mind as of this second. 

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