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Tyrone Henderson

After dropping Jessica off I went over Michael and Stacy house to smoke.

"So bruh did you fuck?" Stacy asked.

"Did I fuck?.....did this nigga just ask me did I fuck?" I asked Michael.

"He ain't get none." Michael said. Him and Stacy busted out laughing.

"Fuck y'all." I said smacking my lips passing the blunt.

"Mm so you admitting it?" Stacy asked.

"The girl just got here y'all just gotta give me time. Then Im'ma have her ass bend over and be busting that pussy everywhere."

"If you say so." Michael snickered.

"Aye never doubt a pimp." Stacy said and I dabbed him.

"What he said....Now pass the blunt nigga." I said taking it from Michael.

After we finished smoking I left and went home.


Jessica Patterson

I walked in my room and closed the door. I was dead tired I laid on my bed and just kept thinking about Tyrone. That is one sexy man not so smart but sexy. My thoughts were interpreted by Keshia coming in.

"So how did it go?" She asked closing the door.

"It was okay....He kissed me."

"Ew....anyway how long you stuck doing this?"

"I don't know I guess until his grade gets up."

"Hopefully that's soon cause I do not trust him." She said getting up and leaving out.

I wonder why she doesn't trust him. He doesn't really seem like a bad guy. He's a pot head for sure but that seems to be the only flaw I see.


It' seemed like the day was going by pretty fast. The bell rang and it was time for lunch then 3 more classes until I see him. I've been thinking about what Keshia said last night and she won't tell her reason why. But she keeps saying the same thing.

"Jessica over here." Destiny waved for me to come over the table her and some other people were sitting.

"Hey." I say shyly.

"Damn girl what's yo name?" Some guy asked from behind.

"She doesn't have one now gone Stacy." Destiny said with an attitude.

"I wasn't talking to you Destiny I was talking to her." He snapped back at her.

"Whatever Stacy just know when you talk to her you to me...Now gone." She said folding her arms.

"Ight Destiny Im'ma leave but Im'ma be back. You still coming over tonight?"

"Boy bye NO." She said waving her hand in his face he walked away.

"I thought y'all said not to talk to them?" I asked taking a seat next to her.

"Keshia said that not me and I know you know Keshia my girl and all. But I'm grown I do what the fuck I want." She said digging into her salad.

"So do you and him date or something?" I asked.

"Ha you funny.... nah girl we don't date."

"Why you lying Des you know you use to date that boy." Lil Dave said.

"Key words 'use to' dumb ass." She said throwing her bag of chips at him and he caught them.

"Thanks for the chips sis." He said laughing eating them.

"Y'all wild...do y'all act like this at home?"

"Nope cause we don't stay in the same house....I stay with our dad and she with our mom." Lil Dave said.

I was about to ask them why when Tyrone came over.

"Hey Jessica can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded then followed him out to the hallway. "Um I was wondering can we reschedule tutoring."

"Ugh um y-yeah sure how about Friday?"

"Okay see you Friday." He said walking back inside.

I was a little disappointed cause I wanted to spend time with him. But at least I don't have to be stuck in the library after school.




-Stacy in the media

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