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Paris walked in to house and tried to carefully close the heavy front door but Tia still heard it.

"Where have you been Paris it's almost eight o'clock." Tia stood in the middle of the foyer with her arms crossed.

"Out." Paris said trying to walk to her room but Tia blocked her.

"Out where, you smell like weed—and are those hickeys on your neck?"  Tia questioned grabbing Paris's face so she could get a good look.

Paris pushed Tia's hands off her before saying. "Why do you care Tia, you're not my mom. You're just some hoe my daddy took off the streets and made him move halfway across the country."

Tia gasped as she looked at Paris with hurt in her eyes.

"You will never be my mother ever." Paris stated then received a slapped from Tia.

"Look here you disrespectful little girl. I don't want to be your mother and I love your father. I just wanna help you." Tia pointed at Paris as she held her cheek.

"Fuck you." Paris said turning to leave out the house.

"Where are you going?" Tia asked following her.

"Away from here, leave me alone don't follow me."  Was the last thing Paris said before leaving out the house slamming the door.

Paris walked down the street and dialed Austin's number.

"Yeah Paris." He said.

"Can you please come back and get me." She cried into the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. You okay?" He asked turning his truck around.

"No, she put her hands on me and I just need to get away."

A Mercedes Benz pulled up next to Paris and she rolled her eyes as her father let down the window.

"Where are you going, Tia called me saying you stormed out after cursing her out and that you're are high." He said.

Paris turned and looked at him in disbelief.

"Your fucking hoe slapped me." Paris said as a shocked look came on her fathers face.

"What did you do to her?" He asked.

"What the fuck do you mean." Paris snapped. "Nothing, I did nothing to her beside tell her she ain't my mama. The bitch might got you pussy whipped but she ain't got shit on me."

Earl got out of his car and walked towards Paris.

"I will not let you disrespect me Paris, I am your father." He said grabbing her arm.

"Fuck you, you never grabbed Tyrone or said anything to him because he's you fucking Golden child." Paris said trying to get out his grip.

Austin pulled up and got out his truck making sure his gun was on his waistband. He was ready to lose it when he saw a man with his hands on Paris. Paris never hung up her phone, and Austin didn't know the man was Earl, her father.

"Yo, everything good?" Austin asked walking up to them.

Earl sized Austin as he walked up and loosened his grip on Paris. She pulled away and walked to stand behind Austin.

"Everything is fine, I was just trying to get my delusional daughter to understand that it's passed her curfew and she needs to be inside." Earl said.

"Delusional?" Paris mocked. "The only people who are delusional are you, your bitch, and your son."

"Watch your mouth." Earl warned pointing at her.

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