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Destiny Smith

6 months later

"Where are you?....what you mean you're with Stacy, you're lying Stacy was just here and you weren't with him." Jessica yelled in the phone at Tyrone.

Sometimes I just wish they break up especially since it's Spring break and they've been arguing the whole time.

"Jess, just hang up all he's going to do is come up with a lie." I said waddling over to the couch to sit down.

I was now 8 months pregnant and I found out I was having a girl.

"Yeah, whatever nigga." She said finally hanging up.

"Now can you help me decide on some decorations for my baby shower?"

"Of  course Des, sorry that took so long sometimes he just makes me angry." She said sitting next to me.

"Then why don't you break up with him?" I asked.

"Because..." She started.

"Because what Jess?"

"I love him, and he loves me, but enough about that let's look at some stuff for the baby." She said looking at some of the decorations I looked up on my laptop.

I could tell it was something different then love but it's not my business so I didn't press the issue.

Tyrone Henderson

"Fuck man, her ass always tripping." I said hitting the blunt.

"Who Jessica or one of yo other bitches?" Michael asked looking over at me then back at the TV.

"I don't have any other bitches and let me find out yo ass the one who been putting that shit in her head." I said pulling away from the blunt.

"Nigga why would I do that?" He said.

"Because you want her, I see the way you look at her when she's around I ain't fucking blind." I said staring at him.

He stayed silent as he continued to play the game.

"She belongs me, but I don't mind sharing maybe if you try to hit she'll sit the fuck down some where." I said.

"Nigga that don't even make sense. She belong to you but you want me to try and fuck her?" He questioned raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah just see if she loyal or not and the best way to test her is at this party this weekend. I'll get her sloppy drunk then you make your move." I said.

"Dawg, you wildn' did that nigga Greg lace yo shit because Tyrone we talking Jessica not some random broad." Michael said pausing the game.

"Greg know better then to lace my shit." I said inhaling the blunt again. "I meant what said I want you to fuck Jessica."

Jessica Patterson

"Ouu, Des look at these onesies they are to cute." I said.

"Yeah those are cute, I can't wait for Sage to get here." She said rubbing her huge belly.

"Me either she's going to be gorgeous." I said.

"Yep and she going to look just like me. Where is Keshia with the food she been gone for two hours?"

"I don't know imma call her." I said pulling out my phone.

"I'm about to pull up Jess." She said before hanging up.

"Okay she's in one of her moods." I said sitting my phone down.

"You heard about Sophia's party this weekend, it's suppose to be 'epic'." Destiny said using air quotes.

"Yeah but I ain't going and neither is your pregnant ass." I said as I continued to look at baby clothes.

"Why not Jess, at least one of us got to have some fun while my ass pregnant." She said.

"Because I don't want to plus Keshia ain't going." I said just as she walked through the door.

"Keshia ain't going where?" Keshia asked sitting the food on the table.

"To Sophia's party this weekend." Destiny said.

"Oh yes I am Reese is going to be there." She said.

"Wait I thought you were over him Ke?" Destiny said.

"I am but I still wanna make him jealous and make him regret cheating." She said and I shook my head.

"So now what's your excuse Jess." Destiny asked looking at me while she ate her fries.

"Someone has to watch your pregnant ass and make sure you're not lonely."

"Trust and believe me Jess, I won't be lonely." She said smirking.

"Ouu, you so nasty that's why you pregnant now."

"And from a looks of that stomach it looks like you might be too." Keshia said and my jaws dropped.

"Keshia." Destiny said trying to hold back her laugh.

"What it does look like she's been picking up some weight don't act like you haven't noticed." She said.

"If any thing it's happy weight and not a baby." I said.

"Yeah whatever Jess, whenever you take the test and find out you are. I hope you abort that demon seed and stay away from its devil father." She scolded before walking away with her food.

"Damn at first I thought she was playing but now I think she's serious about everything she said." Destiny said.

I was speechless and couldn't believe Keshia would say something like that to me.

"You okay?" Destiny asked.

"Yeah, I just gotta make a call." I said getting up and going outside.

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