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Paris has been in Ohio for a month now and she hates it. She wishes her mother was still alive so she didn't have to move half across the country with her father. The only good thing that has happened since beefing here is her new boo.

"I'll be home late tonight." Earl, her father said. "Tia, will be here when you get out of school."

Paris rolled her eyes when Earl mentioned his side chick, now girlfriend Tia.

"Okay, I'll be home by 4:30." She said taking off her seatbelt, she grabbed her book bag as she got out of his Mercedes Benz.

She arrived to school just seconds before the bell start class. She watched her father pull off then went and sat on a bench outside the school on her phone.

"Aye shorty." A handsome dark skinned guy with a fresh cut and waves said, pulling up in his GMC Yukon truck smoking a cigarette.

Paris smiled getting up from the bench and walking to his truck.

"Sup shorty." He said as she got in his truck.

"Hey Austin." She couldn't help but blush.

"What time you gotta be home?" He asked pulling out the school parking lot.

Austin was 17 years old, two years older than Paris and he was a well known bad boy around town. They met the first week she was here on her walk home from school.

"4:30 why?" She asked.

"I want you to ride with me for a minute and I got something for you." He said pulling up to a red light.

Austin went into the armrest and pulled out a small bag and passed it to her.

"What is this?" She asked looking at the circle pills inside.

"Percocet's, just a lil something to relax you, you be so tense." Austin said as the light turned green.

"You want me to take these?" Paris asked.

"Yeah shorty just start off with one though, I don't need you odeeing in my whip. I took two earlier." He said.

Paris looked at the bag of pills cautiously as she took one pill out. She placed it in her mouth.

Austin nodded and smirked as she swallowed the pill.

"Good girl, it won't take long for it to kick in, I promise you gone feel mellow as fuck."

Paris nodded as they drove through town.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I gotta hit a few spots then we can go to my place." He said gripping her thigh.

Paris smirked as Austin leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips. Like Austin said it didn't take long for the pill to kick in. She began to feel drowsy, she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Don't worry shorty I got you." Was the last thing she heard before she fell asleep.


Jessica walked outside the hospital and looked for Tyrone's truck in the parking lot. After a few minutes of searching, she spotted it and went over and knocked on the tinted window. Tyrone cracked his
window halfway and smoke left out the car.

"What's up baby?" He said looking at her with low red eyes.

"I need to talk to you about Sophia's party." Jessica said.

"That shit was like two months ago I don't remember that shit." Tyrone said.

"Well I just remembered what really happened, you fucking drugged me and M-Michael raped me." Jessica tried her hardest not to break down and cry.

Jessica saw Tyrone's eyes get dark as he got out the truck.

"What you just say to me." He said towering over her.

Jessica was scared she didn't know want to repeat what she said.

"I-I think w-we need a break Tyrone." She stuttered.

"The fuck you mean we need a break." He said grabbing her arm and pulling her close to him.

Stacy and Michael just sat back and watched what was going on.

"Hey, don't grab on her like that bruh." Stacy said.

"Stay out of this Stacy." Tyrone warned. "And you Jessica." He said pointing at her. "You need to learn how to hold your liquor and keep your fucking legs closed." He said pushing her away from him. "Get the fuck out my car." He told Stacy and Michael. They both wasted no time getting out the car.

Jessica just held herself as she cried. Tyrone got back into his truck and pulled off. Michael and Stacy went back into the hospital without even checking on her.

Jessica was too embarrassed to go back inside, she decided to just walked to the nearest bus stop to take the bus home.

She couldn't believe how Tyrone had treated her like it was her fault for the rape. Like he wasn't the one who drugged her. She really couldn't believe how he was still kicking it with Michael knowing he took advantage of his 'girlfriend'.

Jessica sighed as the bus came, she paid her bus fare and took a empty seat up front.

She thought about going to the police and telling on both Tyrone and Michael but she knew that would do no good because they would just deny what happened. She had no evidence to prove what they did since it was so long ago. 

She sat on the bus and tried to push all the negative thoughts running through her head away but it was hard.


Keshia knocked on Jessica bedroom door waiting on a response but Jessica never said anything.

"Come on Jess, you gotta eat. My mom made lasagna your favorite." Keshia said knocking on the door again.

Still there was no response, Keshia opened the door and closed it behind her.

"Keshia please leave me alone, I feel bad enough. My boyfriend-"

"Ex boyfriend." Keshia couldn't help but to correct her.

Jessica placed her face in her hands. She couldn't help but cry. She lied and told Keshia that Tyrone cheated and broke up with her.

Keshia sighed as she placed the plate of food on the dresser then walked over Jessica and sat next to her on the bed.

"Jess you know we can always find that bitch and beat her ass for messing with your man."

"Nah, what good would that do, it will only get us arrested. And that still wouldn't change the fact that he cheated or make him come back me." Jessica said wiping her eyes.

"True, true. Well." Keshia said thinking. "We can call someone to put a hit on them."

"With what money Keshia?" Jessica asked.

Keshia held her arms up in surrendered. "Hey, I'm just throwing out ideas. We could probably get a crackhead to do it for a little of nothing."

Jessica couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks Ke for trying to help me feel better, but I think imma try to handle this one on my own—some way. I'm done with Tyrone. At first I was regretting getting rid of the baby but after today I'm glad I did." Jessica said giving Keshia a weak smile.

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