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For Jessica's first day at work, Tyrone offered to drop her off. He parked his truck in a front parking spot and cut the truck off.

"Where you going?" Jessica asked.

"Inside with you, I gotta know who you gone be working with." He said taking off his seatbelt.

"Fine but do not embarrass me." Jessica said as they got out the truck.

"When have I ever embarrassed you baby?" He asked and she was about to answer but he stopped her. "Don't answer that. But for real Jessica I wanna make sure everything straight up here." He said as they walked inside.

"Hey, Jessica you're right on time, come to the back with me so I can show you how to clock in." Lisa said waving Jessica to follow her back.

Tyrone looked around the diner and noticed there wasn't many people there, only a old couple sitting at a booth and a middle aged woman at the counter. Behind the counter he could see into the kitchen and saw a older man on the grill. He turned to leave and bumped into a server.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." He said then quickly noticed it was Jayla.

"It's okay." She said looking up and fear could be seen all over her face when she saw the person she bumped into was Tyrone.

"You work here?" He asked and she nodded afraid to say anything. Tyrone gritted his teeth before speaking. "You better be nice to Jessica, if she tells me just once you said anything or even looked at her wrong. I'm on yo ass like white on rice." Tyrone said before leaving out.

After showing Jessica how everything worked, Lisa let Jessica take a order on her own. She walked over to a booth where a man in his early thirties sat, looking at the menu. He was fit, swoll and his brown skin was covered in tattoos. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt, with designer jeans, a pair of  Jordan Retro 5's.

"How can I help you sir?" Jessica asked and the man looked up at her with his honey color eyes.

"God damn girl, I ain't never seen you here before how long you been working here?" He said looking her up and down.

Jessica laughed. "I just started today." She said.

"What's your name, so I can let Lisa know I need you as my server every time I come here."

"It's Jessica."

"Jessica? Shit yo name should be Juicy with all that ass on you. I'm Kane by the way, people call me Big Daddy Kane."

"Why they call you that?" Jessica asked.

"Because I take females with bodies like yours and make them work for me either in the streets or at my club Kane's Kandy." Kane said.

"Oh so you're a pimp?" She asked.

"Yeah, but enough about me, just tell Buster Kane is here and he'll get me right. Then you can come sit with me, I'm sure Lisa won't mind plus y'all ain't busy." Kane said.

Jessica went behind the counter and told Buster that Kane was there. Buster nodded while starting Kanes usual order.

"I can't believe you had a whole conversation with Big Daddy Kane. Every time he comes in here he asks for Lisa to take his order." Jayla said.

"Well I guess he wanted to talk to someone different today." Jessica said.

"He must like you or wants you to strip for him." Jayla said.

Jessica was about to say something back to Jayla when Buster pressed the bell.

"Order up." He said.

Jessica just grabbed Kane's food and took it over to him.

"Take a seat Jessica I want to talk to you." Kane said digging into his eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

Jessica looked at him hesitantly before sitting down across from him.

"Don't worry I ain't gone bit, I promise." Kane said. "How old are you Juicy."

"17." She said looking around.

"Awe so you still a youngin'." He chuckled.

"Yeah." She laughed nervously.

Kane's demeanor made her nervous.

"Well as much as I like Lisa, you can do so much better Juicy. Money wise and job wise." He said looking her in the eyes.

That just made her even more nervous. "M-my name is Jessica not Juicy."

Kane smirked. "That's something you got to learn about me Jessica. I like to call people nicknames just ask Lisa; I call her Lucky ever time I see her."

"Oh, I-I still prefer Jessica." She said as a large group of people came in. "I should go h-help Jayla." She stuttered getting up. "It was nice meeting you Kane." She said walking towards the group of people.

"It's Big Daddy Kane, Juicy—remember that." He shouted before getting up from the booth. He pulled out a roll of money and threw a hundred dollar bill on the table. He glanced at Jessica one last time before leaving out the diner.

Kane liked Jessica, and when Kane liked something he gets it.



Excuse any errors

Did y'all miss Kane because I did, stay tuned. -JK

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