
539 19 9

~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Friday October 18th 2013
Toronto, Canada.

"You gotta head over to the studio." Dawn says through the receiver. I groan loudly. I pick up my purse before leaving my office.

"Good luck. Don't murder him" our dislike for each other is known by most. I don't have problems with many people but I do have a problem with him.

"I'll try." I make my way down using the elevator. I get to his studio and when I walk in he's already sat in front of the iMac. Every studio has a name. Jahron only uses one and it's called Jodeci.

I pull a chair and take a seat beside him.

"I wanna auto tune my voice. I don't think my natural voice works without it on this track" he says.

"Me neither. We gotta work on the instrumental first. Can you go into the booth please?"

"Ahlie, you know what you doing?" He says.

"Yes I know what I'm doing" he raises his hands before going into the booth.

"Sing the hook continuously please" I say and he does as he's asked. It takes me a while to slow down and tune the instrumental but once it's there it's there.

"Verse one please" his verse flows perfectly with the instrumental. His instrumental is actually dope. All I have to do is play around with it a little to get it to align.


My personal phone rings on the table for the third time. I see TamTam's name flash across the screen. I brace myself as I answer it.

"What is it TamTam?" I say.

"Can you go get JJ from his nanny please?"

"Why can't you do it?"

"I have a massive court case to prepare for"

"Where's your husband?"

"He's on a business trip"

"Yo just because yous are having troubles doesn't mean that I'm your go to. I'm at work"

"You know I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important. His nanny really has to get going"

"I'm always doing you favors Matamsanqa and you still a bitch"

"Thank you Kita"

"Uyandikolota, Ntle" you owe me, bye.

"Sorry Jahron. That was my sister and she asked me to pick up her son"

"Forreal though? We in the studio"

"I don't even like kids so chill with that shit" I say rolling my eyes.

"We ain't done"

"I'm doing everybody fucking favors so please cut it out"

"You coming back?" I ask.

"If you don't mind him coming here then no"

"I just wanna finish the track"

"I'll be back then" I say. I pick up my purse and make my way out the studio.



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