
363 12 1

~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Friday April 18th 2014
Toronto, Canada.

"Thank you for looking after him"

"No problem"

"No seriously"

"I do care about your marriage Tam. You got me"

"Sometimes you act like you hate me"

"I hate you most of the time but you're still my sister and I love you. And as your sister, are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Things are looking up. I mean he's taking me to dinner right? He hasn't done that in a long time"

"Go make yourself up. Tell me how it goes" I say giving her a hug.

"Bye" she says and I watch her walk to her Mercedes.

"You look pretty without makeup by the way" she says.

"Shoulda told me that in SA" I shut the door and make my way into the living room.

"You comfy babe?" I ask him.

"Yea tete. Mama said I'm eating dinner here. What are we eating?"

"Well we can have pizza if you want"

"Yes please Tete. When is it coming?"

"You have dinner at half 6 right? Count to 10 for me"

"I can count to fifteen actually"

"Go on babe" I say. I listen to him as he counts and it's perfect. I clap for him as I sit down beside him.

"That was perfect" I say. He's a massive Arthur fan and I have the entire series on his iPad, which he keeps here, so that's what he's watching it on. I grab my own iPad and order the buy one get one free pizza for 6:30pm which is in about half an hour.

There's a knock at the door at 6:32pm. I open it and thank the delivery guy whilst taking the two boxes of pizza and the bag. I take the boxes into the living room and put them on the table.

"Pass me your iPad" I say. He sighs as he hands it to me. I put Arthur onto my Apple TV.

"Come wash your hands" he follows behind me and I wash his hands in the sink. I let him go into the living room and continue watching his show. I grab two plates and two glasses and take them into the living room.

"You want ketchup?" I ask as I put the plates down.

"Brown sauce" he says meaning BBQ sauce. I grab it for him and put it on the table. I give him a slice of pizza from each and give him the plate. I pour him some juice because I don't want him bouncing off the walls.

"Eat nicely. I don't want my couch getting messy"

"I always eat nice" he says frowning.


I've been watching Arthur for the past two hours. Come thru? - Nakita👑

Aight. Be there in a minute - Jahron🤔

As long as you're not high or drunk - Nakita👑

Not everyday party - Jahron🤔

I stand up and begin tidying up the table. I let him stay where he is while I wash the dishes. My kitchen is always clean. I fluff up the couch cushions making sure everything is orderly.

"Come lets get you into your pjs" I say.

"Okay" I get him changed and make him go to the toilet. I tie my hair up into a messy bun before sitting down but as I sit I hear a knock at the door.

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