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~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Friday November 6th 2015
Toronto, Canada.

"Let's cut" Jahron says appearing in the doorframe of my office. You know I don't know if he remembers saying I love you or if he remembers I said I love you. We haven't said anything about that night and the topic never comes up so I'm assuming he forgot. And I've said it now so I don't need to stress about saying it. It wouldn't be my fault if he couldn't remember.

"Okay" I grab my purse, standing up. I lock the door behind me.

"I gotta speak to Steve real quick wait" I say and he nods. I walk up to Steve's door and knock. I hear his voice behind it and then walk in.

"Kita aren't you supposed to be on your way home?" He says.

"I am I swear."

"What can I do for you?"

"I finished recording Jumpman with Future and Aubs earlier today so I sent it to be mastered."

"Who's with it?"

"I sent it to Chris but I think Metro's gone just to make sure it's perfect"

"Kid hates anyone touching his beats" he says with a chuckle.

"Yea but I was like wondering like I don't know when anyone's planning on dropping it"

"Don't worry I got that covered"

"Alright thanks Steve-o"

"Bye Kita" I give him a smile before leaving his office. Jahron is stood patiently waiting by the elevator. The doors open and we both step in. I stand on one side and he stands on the other.

"Are you okay princess?"

"Yea I'm fine" I say with a little smile.

"You sure?"

"Yep" I say as the elevator gets to the bottom floor. We both exit and walk through the reception when I hear my voice being called.

"Kita!" I turn around to see Future and Drake. I wait for them to approach us.

"I thought I was finna be your man next?" Future says.

"What made you think that?" I say looking confused even though we always had banter over this.

"You already know man"

"Well my nigga you thought you was next in line but AJ jumped the line" I say looking between them.

"Aubs why ain't you surprised? Am I the only one who didn't know?" Future says. Drake lays a pitiful hand on his back.

"You the only one"

"Damn Miss 'I don't date celebrities so move over with that bullshit'" he says quoting me.

"Well I really like this one" I say shying away.

"Have fun kids. Not too much fun. Kids can't have kids okay?" He says making me roll my eyes.

"Bye Nayvadius. See you Aubs" I say. We share our goodbyes before splitting up. When we get into the car, I look over at Jahron.

"I really don't like that guy" he says as he begins driving.

"Why?" I ask.

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