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~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Monday November 16th 2015
Toronto, Canada.

"I don't have time to argue with you" She says, slamming her purse onto her desk.

"Why can't you just trust me when I say it's only you?" He says.

"Because you still writing bout other bitches when we are actually together"

"I write from my past experiences"

"What yesterday?"

"You gotta trust me" Nakita places a file into her purse.

"I've been hurt before and I'm starting to think you gon do the same" he's taken a back by what she says.

"And I know what it feels like so I'm not doing that dumb shit. It's only you baby but not all my songs are about you" he says.

"You know how many rumours I try to ignore but the names are repetitive" she says.

"It's all just shit"

"Maybe I should be grateful that you're only cheating on me with the same hoes over and over again."

"I ain't never cheated on you and you gotta trust me on that. I'm loyal to you"

"Whatever I don't have time for this." She walks round her desk towards the door.

"When we gon talk about this? What is it that you want me to do?" He asks, following behind her out of the office. She gets into the elevator.

"You can start off by telling me about Cassidy and Fiona and then we can discuss whether you're really committed" she states.

"If you want me to tell the world about my beautiful girlfriend Nakita then I will. We can go exclusive."

"At no point did I say we need to tell the world. I said discuss if you're committed"

"And I wanna show you that I'm committed. Have I not stopped going to clubs without you?"

"Yea because you fuck up whenever I'm not there" She says knowing that he doesn't sleep with club hoes, but she knows for a fact he doesn't let a whine go. The elevator stops at the ground floor and she steps out.

"And I'm trying. But I have never cheated on you" he says.

"Bye Jahron" she says.

"I'm coming with you"

"No the fuck you are not." She says explicitly. He doesn't want to fight her anymore and it's her decision.

"Good luck" she ignores him as she carries on walking away.

It doesn't take long for her to get to the hospital. It takes even less time for her to be called in by her gynae. She takes a seat on the chairs available.

"So the MRI scan results are back and you do indeed have fibroids. How did you know?" She asks. The last time Nakita was here was last Monday and they used an ultrasound machine to identify the cause and they assumed fibroids like Nakita had initially suggested. But the gynae wanted to be certain so Nakita had to go have an MRI done.

"My sister had them and my brothers a doctor and assumed I had them"

"Ahh. Unfortunately, you have more than one fibroid. You have three in different areas of your uterus, none of which are in the uterus. Judging by their appearance, the medicine which we can provide you with, will shrink them, however I discussed the matter with the radiologist and we do not think that the medicine is strong enough to get rid of them" she says.

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