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~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Saturday June 28th 2014
Mississauga, Canada.

"Nakita honestly I'm just a little bit hurt" my mom says.

"And I really don't want to be rude" I really do want to.


"I brought you your grandson so you could spend some time with him. Out of the goodness of my heart." I say. JJ is in the other room but she's sat here with me like I like her.

"Yes and I spent the day with him and now I want to spend some time with my daughter"

"Your daughter doesn't want to spend any time with you" I don't want to speak to her like this because I know I could receive a mighty slap.

"When are you going to treat me like your mama?"

"You ask me that and then you're going to get all emotional and offended" I groan.

"Please Nakita just... we need to talk about this" this is why I never come. Every time I come alone, she has the chance to get all deep with me.


"To be frank with you, I'm not going to." I say when I look up and realise she's waiting patiently for my response.

"I'm your mama. I gave birth to you. I raised-"

"Lies from the beginning of that sentence"

"How so?"

"Yes you gave birth to me. But you sure as hell didn't raise me. My mama raised me. You're my mother" I say.

"How dare you disrespect me like that!" She says raising her voice.

"Why do you ask me to have this conversation and when I say something you don't necessarily like, you get offended?"

"Because I would like to have a relationship with my daughter"

"Please be grateful that I come here every month."

"You come for your siblings and your dad. Not for me"

"Yes. My baba made the effort. Did he not fly to South Africa after I refused to talk to the both of you?"

"You know I'm a surgeon"

"Yea and so is he but he made the effort. That's what makes a parent." A tear slips from her eye.

"Was I not paying for your school fees? Was I not paying for your medical bills? Was I not paying for-"

"Love cannot be bought. Mama was the one paying for my clothes. Baba was the one paying for my surf lessons and my horse riding lessons. You wanted to send me to medical school in SA but never stopped to ask what I wanted to do"

"You were good at science"

"And I'm even better at music. Why don't you listen?"

Pure Gold OMO? With the homies -Jahron☺️

You wanna take me to a strip club? - Nakita👑

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