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~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Thursday December 19th 2013
Toronto, Canada.

I managed to not have to talk to him after I organised him to join Drake on the last 19 concerts of the first leg but now they're done.

But now I have a finance meeting with them both. I walk into the room and take my seat along with Dawn. She doesn't usually come to meetings but I had a talk about transfer with the A&R Director, Steve, for the job of A&R coordinator. He said he'd love to have me on his team.

The two of them walk in with their managers. Drake throw me a smile but I avoid eye contact with Jahron.

"Well Drake what can we say? You blew our fucking minds with this tour. Your first leg has been exceptional." The head of finance, Mark, says.

"Thank you but it's not all on me. Jahron here had people buying OMO merchandise from when they heard his voice. And my amazing events manager Nakita over there" he says grinning. I shake my head.

"No he's right Nakita. We've never ever been able to pay such low prices for the venues you booked at the same level of quality. You did amazing"

"Round of applause for Nakita" Drake says before the claps start. He's always the life of the meetings after he comes back from touring.

"Thank you but yall forgetting I'm not the performers. Round of applause for Drake and Jahron" we break out into another round of applause for them.

"Alright let's talk money" the assistant head of finance says.

"Thanks to this OVO team, we made a gross total of $266 million" and another round of applause breaks out. We've done well like really well.

"And after speaking to Warner Bros, everyone in this room gets a bonus" the word bonus rings in my ears. This is one thing I don't wanna give up by becoming the A&R coordinator.


That's the most joyful finance meeting I've ever had. I didn't even have to bring paper work and I got extra money from being there.

I exit the room and there's Drake stood leaning against the wall.

"Come here" he says and I give him a hug. "I've missed you"

"I missed you too"

"Hey" Jahron says.

"Hi" I say before looking away, back at Drake.

"Wassup with this afternoon? I heard you're not available" Drake says.

"I gotta finish packing. I'm going to South Africa for Christmas and New Years"

"Forreal? Oh shit that's the four weeks you have off ain't it?" He says.

"Yep but you know my work phone stays on."

"Well Imma come with you and help you pack because when you get back Imma be in LA"

"You know damn well you gon do nothing"

"I know but I wanna see my favorite" he says.

"Alright I'll meet you in like half an hour at mine. I gotta leave my office nice and that"


I open the front door and he walks in.

"Always smells homey here" I let him in and I head straight upstairs. He jumps onto the couch I have in my room since the bed is occupied.

"How have you been?"

"Meetings have been crazy since the years come to an end. Guess what though?" I say.

"What's up?"

"I applied for A&R coordinator."

"Forreal? What did they say?"

"They said they'd get back to me but at the moment it's looking like they love me too much in booking to let me go"

"Can't you do both?"

"That's the talk so I'll be Co-working with Dawn and Michelle" I say.

"Then I wouldn't be taking you from your job when you're A&R because it'll be your job"

"Wow. You know how much I'd be doing?" 

"You love me though" I shake my head at him as I shut my first suitcase and place it on the floor.

"How come you came with Jahron to my birthday party?" He says.

"I'd been in the studio with him and he wouldn't stop talking. I don't think he likes me hating on him"

"He has a major problem with you hating him. I dunno why"

"Yea and he wouldn't stop talking and he asked me why I don't like him. I told him he has a big ego and he wanted to prove to me he's not selfish" I grab my Chanel sandals.

"Did he prove it? Those the only sandals you taking?"

"I mean he was nice. It was raining and he gave me his jacket. Then he bought me this bracelet for the song. And yea I've got hella in SA" I say.

"Well he's been nice to you" he says looking at me some type of way.

"Nah g. That's the end though. I don't have a reason to see him anymore"

"You didn't have to go to TOC with him but you did didn't you?" I roll my eyes.

"I was having a bad day and I just wanted to get drunk. Not alone. You weren't here. OMO was there as well" I say in a matter of factly tone.

"I think he likes you" I instantly burst out laughing.

"Nope. Even if he does I don't like him"

"You don't hate him either"

"I know, I strongly dislike him"

"A little less still" I roll my eyes. I walk into my bathroom and grab my face cleaning kit.

"What time are you going to the airport?"

"My brother is picking me up in like an hour" I say.

"The whole family is going?"

"Yea. I have to stay civil with my mother and my sisters for two entire weeks" I complain.

"At least they're not going for four weeks"

"If they ruin my New Years or Christmas I swear to god I will be on the next flight back"

"Kita really?"

"Dead ass. What you doing for the holidays?" I ask.

"Imma stay with my mama for Christmas then visit my dad then Imma go back to LA"

"I have your Christmas present by the way" I open my closet.

"Kita you're finna make me cry with all these gifts you get me"

"You always crying anyways" he kisses his teeth as I stand on my tiptoes to grab the box.

"That's shady" he says as I pass him the box.


"You finna have to wait until you get back to get your present. I know you. You'll open it before Christmas"

"Petty but true still. Now can you help me zip this up" I say as I sit on the suitcase.

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