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~~ Nakita T. Ncube ~~
Monday August 5th 2014
Toronto, Canada.

"Okay you know how I told you I have a surprise for you?" I say as we walk down the streets of Toronto.

"Yea I know. What is it?"

"You're performing at the Drake V Wayne"

"Fuck outta here. Nah. Forreal?" He says fully shocked.

"Forreal" he pulls me into him and hugs me tight.

"Thank you so much Nixi" he says.

"Yo just do a good job. I got you 8 performances. No more no less. I spoke to your manager already" he kisses me softly. I love seeing him this excited. He's not someone who smiles a whole lot or reveals his emotions so this is a lot for him.

"Thank you" he says again.

"I don't wanna ruin your joy but what do you think of doing an EP?"

"Wow. You bribing me with concerts?"

"Maybe a little but I think it'll be good for you. It's not by force, just think about it"

"I will" We get to the ice cream parlour near the coast in South Riverdale. We walk in together and take our seats. I don't even have to look at the menu because I know what I'm getting.

I've never actually sat in here, I usually order takeaway.

"Aren't you finna look at the menu?"

"Nope. I know what I'm getting"

"I get something different every time" their menu allows you to have so many different options.

"How did I never see you around before?" I ask.

"You probably subconsciously told yourself not to see me" I hated him man.

"I'm getting the waffle with chocolate orange ice cream."

"Hmm I can't remember where I was at last time. Imma get a pancake" we wait for the waitress to come over. The look on her face is as if she recognises him but she doesn't say anything.

"Hi can I take your order?" She asks with a smile.

"A waffle with chocolate orange ice cream for the lady and a pancake with white chocolate flakes and the pistachio ice cream with maple syrup" he says.

"Alright. Will that be all?"

"Two lemonades" I say.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes it will be"

"I don't mean to act unprofessional but can I have your autograph please?" she asks almost begging.

"Sure. Can I have a pen and piece of paper?" He says. She rips a page out of her notebook and hands him her pen.

"Who should I make it out to?"

"My name is Hanna. Two n's" she says. He writes 'To pretty Hanna from the ice cream parlour. Ferina OMO. Thanks for supporting the dream. PartyNextDoor xXx'

"Thank you" she says with a smile. He nods his head at her before she walks away.

"I hate being seen"

"Why'd you become famous then?" I ask.

"I like money"

"See I like money too."

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