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"Hey Joe, party tomorrow night at my place?" An eighteen-year-old junior yelled over the swarm of students in the over cramped hallway to his equally excited friend.

"You can count on it, bro." Joe, the redhead, yelled back in affirmation sporting a lop-sided grin.

Joe smirked to himself as he walked down the hallway, already thinking of the things he'd like to do at the party, from dunking to drinking, to other fun things.

His friend Jake hosted the biggest parties in the whole school, hence the excitement.

The redhead wasn't watching where he was going and so ended up bumping into an unsuspecting female that had her head buried in a book as he rounded the corner.

The book fell from her hand.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I should have been more careful." The petite brown-haired girl apologized immediately when she saw the person she'd bumped into.

She was already down on her knees to pick up the fallen book when he snarled.

"Watch it, idiot. " He said, obviously pissed up by the 'nobody' that had ruined his morning.

She gasped softly, her eyes wide.
Joe roughly brushed past her and continued down the hallway shoving his hand into his pocket.

Her eyes burnt slightly but she quickly blinked back the tears.

She sighed, cursing herself for being so sensitive. She knew she should have been used to the comments by now. She heard it every day.

She got up, book in hand, and dusted herself.

Silver High has been less than pleasant for her this year. That was why she had decided to go under the radar as soon as school started a week ago, but looking at the red head's retreating form, she realized that that was no longer going to be possible. She sighed. Great.

Just great. She didn't want to end up being on his 'losers to bully' list.

"Hey, Rose." A velvety voice broke through her train of thought. Rose turned around to see her ex-best friend-Brenda.

They'd been friends for as long as she could remember and suddenly she just changed, like everything in her life recently.

"Bye Rose." And just like that Brenda waved past her with her clique of 'new friends', leaving Rose without a second to reply.

"Bye Brenda," Rose whispered. Not that the person in question could hear though...


The bell rang for a change of periods, the last one of the day.

Rose sighed heavily tossing her books in the locker before taking the notes for the next class.

She quickly made her way down the hallway.

"Come on Rose, you can do this, just one more class and you'll be free." Rose encouraged herself.

That is until you come back the next morning and the whole thing repeats.

"You can do this." She sighed.


"And so began the war between the two nations and...." She wouldn't lie, she totally zoned out after that.

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