A Step At A Time.

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School was different that day even more than usual. From the moment Rose walked in all eyes were on her, mocking her, taunting her.

The looks she could endure, but not their words;

"Hey red, hope you got all the blood out." One of the guys who had tied her up last night mocked, making everyone laugh.

They were insults she never thought she would ever be called.

The videos had gone round the school, and even teachers looked on in pity.

She didn't want to remember what happened last night, but it was becoming more impossible not to as everyone she'd met was talking about it.

She got to her locker barely able to breathe with all the attention.

Everyone was watching her, everyone.

"Hey baby doll." The hand about to take the book from her locker froze mid air.

The redhead leaned against the locker next to hers.

Joe saw her shaken up form and he smirked.

"It's impolite to disregard a greeting." He said.

Rose looked like she was about to faint. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and were eager to see what would happen next.

"I see you're all cleaned up." Joe jabbed. Chuckles erupted round the hall.

Rose closed her eyes. She'd hoped so much she wouldn't have to see him. Seeing him brought everything back.

Her breathe hitched.

Flashes of what they'd done to her the night before resurfaced. She remembered the bruises she'd gotten from his rough handling and the ropes.

The tears began to make their way silently down her cheeks. She'd promised herself she wouldn't cry but she couldn't help it.

He didn't seem too fazed by her tears.

"Rose come on, don't cry. We were only just messing around."
He said with one of his smirks.

"Weren't we boys?" He asked the crowd over her head. They all hooted in response.

"We wouldn't want to hurt the princess." One of them replied.

"You see, harmless fun."

She needed to get to class but each time she tried leaving he'd block her again.

"Please, can I go now?" She asked shakily.

He didn't respond.

She knew what he was doing. He wanted her to look at him. But she didn't want to.

But he wasn't moving, so she did the only thing she knew would grant her her freedom at the moment. She looked up and she wished she hadn't.

Her eyes widened to their fullest.

His eyes....

She quickly looked back down. He chuckled.

"Like what you see?"

They were the darkest shades of green she had ever seen and the coldness in them chilled her to the bones.

They were unnerving. He got close, closer than she was comfortable with.
He leaned down and forced her to look him eye to eye.

"Last night was only just the beginning Rose. Watch your back." She could only look on, saying nothing.

Joe leaned back.

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