Cabin in the woods.

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Everyone was ready to go, well everyone except Rose.

"Hurry up!" Mike yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" Rose yelled back from her room. He sighed, rubbing his temple. Chloe chuckled beside him.

"She's so adorable," Chloe stated. Michael shook his head.

"What is she doing, packing the entire house?"

"Hm free cookies!" Nathan lurched at the plates of cookies on the kitchen table.

"Don't eat it all! Give me some." Elnathan came stealthily behind him and stole the rest.


Mrs. Turner chuckled coming from the living room.

"We're really grateful for you having us,"Michael said thanking her.

She waved him off.
"It's nothing." She chuckled.

"I'm ready!" Rose announced, seemingly out of breathe dragging the overweight suitcase.
When she got to the foot of the stairs and finally looked up, she was shocked to see the rest of the guys already there.

It'd been a while since she saw them, not since the day she was discharged but they called and texted. It was very refreshing to see them again.

Her shock quickly turned to happiness and she hugged the nearest person to her.

"Chloe, I've missed you!" Chloe smiled brightly, her bright green eyes lighting up her entire face.

She was beautiful.

"And I you dear." The genuineness in her words really hit her and her smile only brightened.

Her arms were outstretched, ready to hug Mike. He smiled moving to hug her as well, but knowingly she missed him and hugged the twins instead.

Chloe couldn't hold her bouts of laughter. Even the twins couldn't help themselves.

Michael's cheeks were flushed a deep red as he carried her luggage muttering something about his friends and and him wondering why he was still with them.

Rose chuckled but still hugged him. And as she did she realised something.

He was a friend she'd never want to lose.

"Okay, let's all get a move on." Elnathan clapped his hands and together they all went out the door.

"The cookies were delicious." Nathan complimented Rose's mum as he headed out the door. She smiled.

"I try."

Rose went to her mum, her hug as fierce as the previous ones.

"Thank you mum. I love you." She kissed her cheek and made her way out.

"I love you too. Be safe dear."

If she had waited a while longer, she would have seen her mother's grateful glance upwards.

They all got out the door and Rose saw the car parked in front of the house. It was huge.

She shook her head bewildered and glanced at Mike. He shrugged smiling.

"What? Dad said we could borrow it."
She chuckled, shaking her head. Well she wasn't complaining.

Mike threw her luggage in with the rest.

That was when she saw Asher. He was behind the wheels, streched lazily on the car seat.

"Hey Rosie." Asher said coolly. She smiled at the name.

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