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Everyone looked on-mostly Rose- shocked. Everyone else knew who the lady was but it still did little to disguise their shock.

Michael's eyes were wide with surprise.

"Amber? It's been-"

"Two years." The red head snapped at him. His right cheek was red and stung from the slap.

She was seething, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"You left without a word then expected me to pick up the broken pieces." She accused.

"I knew you were a jerk, my friends warned me about you, but I was too stupid to see you for what you truly are."

Amber shook her head and cursed him under her breathe. She sidestepped him and turned to Rose.

"Are you his next fling, you should ask him what he did to the last one and the ones before that." She spat.

With that said, she sourly eyed the rest of the gang and stormed out.

"Amber, wait-" Michael raced after her leaving everyone else without a word.

Rose felt an unexpected weight on her chest.


Rose saw them through the window outside the plaza. The torn look on Michael's face made her heart ache.

She knew snippets of his past, even he was always guarded about it. She knew about the drugs, the drinking, the girls but she also knew he wasn't that guy anymore.

But Amber didn't know that.

With one last shove Michael's way, Amber stormed off.

Asher gave her a look before sighing and going out to meet his friend.

Michael's head hung low. He didn't seem to hear what Asher was saying and when he looked up, his eyes caught hers and it broke her heart to see that look in his eyes, to see him like that.

Asher motioned to everyone inside, it was time to go.

Everyone was silent in the car all the way home. Although Nathan tried lightening up the mood, it still really didn't do the trick in cheering Michael up.

Immediately they got inside, Michael went upstairs to his room without a word.

Chloe sighed feeling for her friend.

"He always takes it so hard." She said softly.

Rose lowered her eyes a little in contemplation.

She didn't know how he felt but the least she could do was cheer him up and be there for him. He'd always been there for her.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." Rose told the group then made her way upstairs, and stopping at his door she noticed it was slightly ajar.

"Mike?" No answer.

"Mike I'm coming in."

"Don't, I need to be alone." She guessed his words only propelled her forward as she opened his door a little bit more and stepped in.

"Rose-" He tried to protest.

"Thinking about it won't solve anything you know." Rose said coming in.

He didn't respond.

He was seated on the edge of his bed, his hands clamped together with his head hung low.

His long dark hair framed and covered the sides of his face so that she couldn't see his eyes.

"Mike you're not that guy anymore."

In The Last Days Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora